Julian Morgenstern, "The Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.1 (March 1942): 1-10. |
Allen Paul Wikgren, "APCHE TOU EUANGELIOU," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.1 (March 1942): 11-20. |
Theophile James Meek, "Monotheism and the religion of Israel," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.1 (March 1942): 21-43. |
Julius A. Bewer, "Notes on 1 Sam 13:21; 2 Sam 23:1; Psalm 48:8," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.1 (March 1942): 45-49. |
Umberto Cassuto, "The palace of Baal," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.1 (March 1942): 51-56. |
Harold R. Willoughby, "Stray New Testament-Psalter leaves identified," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.1 (March 1942): 57-60. |
"Conservation of scholarly journals," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.1 (March 1942): 70. |
Charles Cutler Torrey, "The Aramaic of the Gospels," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.2 (June 1942): 71-85. |
Harry Meyer Orlinsky, "Critical notes on Gen 39:14,17, Jud 11:37," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.2 (June 1942): 87-97. |
Pearle Stone Wood, "Jeremiah’s figure of the almond rod," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.2 (June 1942): 99-103. |
Osborne Booth, "The semantic development of the term MISPAT in the Old Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.2 (June 1942): 105-110. |
Herbert Gordon May, "Towards an objective approach to the book of Jeremiah: the biographer," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.3 (Sept. 1942): 139-155. |
Paul Sevier Minear, "The needle’s eye: a study in form criticism," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.3 (Sept. 1942): 157-169. |
Harris H. Hirschberg, "Simon Bariona and the Ebionites," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.3 (Sept. 1942): 171-191. |
Günther Zuntz, "Notes on the Greek Enoch," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.3 (Sept. 1942): 193-204. |
Steven T. Byington, "Hebrew marginalia II: Job 28," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.3 (Sept. 1942): 205-207. |
Robert Gordis [1908-1992], "Notes on 1 Sam 13:21," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.3 (Sept. 1942): 209-211. |
Grace Harriet Macurdy, "Platonic Orphism in the Testament of Abraham," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.4 (Dec. 1942): 213-226. |
Ralph Marcus, "A note on Bariona," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.4 (Dec. 1942): 281. |
Charles Cutler Torrey, "'Taxo' in the Assumption of Moses," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.1 (1943): 1-7. |
George Ricker Berry, "The apocalyptic literature of the Old Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.1 (1943): 9-16. |
Robert Gordis [1908-1992], "The heptad as an element of biblical and rabbinic style," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.1 (1943): 17-26. |
Floyd Vivian Filson, "The omission of Ezek 12:26-28 and 36:23b-38 in Codex 967," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.1 (1943): 27-32. |
W. Sommer, "The meaning of PUK in the Old Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.1 (1943): 33-35. |
Mary Edith Andrews, "The historical gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.2 (1943): 45-57. |
S. Vernon McCasland, "'Soldiers on service': the draft among the Hebrews," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.2 (1943): 59-71. |
Harris H. Hirschberg, "Allusions to the Apostle Paul in the Talmud," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.2 (1943): 73-87. |
Frank Ringgold Blake, "The origin and development of the Hebrew daghesh," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.2 (1943): 89-107. |
Harold Louis Ginsberg, "The Ugaritic texts and textual criticism," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.2 (1943): 109-115. |
Ralph Marcus, "The tree of life in Proverbs," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.2 (1943): 117-120. |
Godfrey Rolles Driver [1892-1975], "On Habakkuk 3:7," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.2 (1943): 121. |
"Universities Committee on Post-War International Problems," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.2 (1943): 133-135. |
Alexander Sperber, "Hebrew grammar: a new approach," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.3 (1943): 137-262. |
Kirsopp Lake [1872-1946] & Silva Tipple Lake, "The scribe Ephraim," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.4 (Dec. 1943): 263-268. |
Julian Morgenstern, "Deutero-Isaiah’s terminology for "universal God"," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.4 (Dec. 1943): 269-280. |
Clarence Tucker Craig, "Biblical theology and the rise of historicism," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.4 (Dec. 1943): 281-294. |
Francis Wright Beare, "The sequence of events in Acts 9-15 and the career of Peter," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.4 (Dec. 1943): 295-306. |
Amos Niven Wilder, "Variant traditions of the resurrection in Acts," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.4 (Dec. 1943): 307-318. |
T.E. Floyd Honey, "Did Mark use Q?" Journal of Biblical Literature 62.4 (Dec. 1943): 319-331. |
Luitpold Wallach, "The parable of the blind and the lame: a study in comparative literature," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.4 (Dec. 1943): 333-339. |
Robert Gordis [1908-1992], "A note on YAD," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.4 (Dec. 1943): 341-344. |
Thedor Herzl Gaster [1906-1992], "On Habakkuk 3:4," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.4 (Dec. 1943): 345-346. |
Giorgio Levi Della Vida, "El ‘Elyon in Genesis 14:18-20," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.1 (March 1944): 1-9. |
Emil Gottlieb Heinrich Kraeling, "The handwriting on the wall," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.1 (March 1944): 11-18. |
"The Hebrew root SKB," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.1 (March 1944): 19-44. |
Alexander Mackie Honeyman [1907-1988], "Traces of an early diacritic sign in Isaiah 8:6b," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.1 (March 1944): 45-50. |
Thedor Herzl Gaster [1906-1992], "Two notes on Nahum," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.1 (March 1944): 51-52. |
Günther Zuntz, "The Greek text of Enoch 102:1-3," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.1 (March 1944): 53-54. |
Mary Lucetta Mowry, "The early circulation of Paul’s letters," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 73-86. |
Edgar Johnson Goodspeed, "Greek idiom in the Gospels," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 87-92. |
Charles Cutler Torrey, "James the Just, and his name "Oblias"," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 93-98. |
Alfred Morris Perry [1889-?], "Is John an Alexandrian Gospel?" Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 99-106. |
Edwin Cornelius Broome, "The sources of the Fourth Gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 107-121. |
Ira Jay Martin, "Glossolalia in the Apostolic Church," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 123-130. |
Oscar Jacob Frank Seitz, "Relationship of the Shepherd of Hermas to the Epistle of James," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 131-140. |
Hope Broome Downs, "The Peshitto as a revision: its background in Syriac and Greek texts of Mark," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 141-159. |
James Alan Montgomery, "The Hebrew divine name and the personal pronoun HU," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 161-163. |
Harry Austryn Wolfson, "Philo on Jewish citizenship in Alexandria," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 165-168. |
Donald Fay Robinson, "A note on Acts 11:27-30," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 169-172. |
Richard Anthony Parker, "Ancient Jewish calendation: a criticism," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 173-176. |
Grace Amadon, "The crucifixion calendar," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 177-190. |
William Foxwell Albright, "The oracles of Balaam," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.3 (Sept. 1944): 207-233. |
James Muilenburg, "Psalm 47," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.3 (Sept. 1944): 235-256. |
Charles Goodwin, "The meaning of Judges 5:8b-13," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.3 (Sept. 1944): 257-262. |
Robert Gordis [1908-1992], "A wedding song for Solomon," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.3 (Sept. 1944): 263-270. |
Frank Ringgold Blake, "The Hebrew WAW conversive," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.3 (Sept. 1944): 271-295. |
Mayer G. Slonim, "Masculine predicates with feminine subjects in the Hebrew Bible," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.3 (Sept. 1944): 297-302. |
Henry Snyder Gehman [1888-1981], "SEFER, an inscription, in the book of Job," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.3 (Sept. 1944): 303-307. |
Franz Rosenthal, "MAGEN MASAK MAOZ," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.3 (Sept. 1944): 309-312. |
Chester Charlton McCown, "Symbolic interpretation," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.4 (Dec. 1944): 329-338. |
Elias Joseph Bickerman, "The colophon of the Greek Book of Esther," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.4 (Dec. 1944): 339-362. |
Robert McQueen Grant, "The Odes of Solomon and the Church of Antioch," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.4 (Dec. 1944): 363-377. |
Francis Wright Beare, "The text of the Epistle to the Hebrews in P46," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.4 (Dec. 1944): 379-396. |
Leon J. Liebreich, "Notes on the Greek version of Symmachus," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.4 (Dec. 1944): 397-403. |
Harry Meyer Orlinsky, "The Septuagint variant katepausan in Josh 2:1," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.4 (Dec. 1944): 405-406. |
Francis Wright Beare, "Note on Paul’s first two visits to Jerusalem," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.4 (Dec. 1944): 407-409. |
Donald Fay Robinson, "A reply," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.4 (Dec. 1944): 411-412. |
Theophile James Meek, "The syntax of the sentence in Hebrew," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.1 (March 1945): 1-13. |
Harold Henry Rowley [1890-1969], "The figure of "Taxo" in the Assumption of Moses," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.1 (March 1945): 141-143. |
Julian Morgenstern, "The divine triad in biblical mythology," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.1 (March 1945): 15-37. |
Alexander Sperber, "Biblical exegesis: prolegomena to a commentary and dictionary to the Bible," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.1 (March 1945): 39-140. |
Erwin Ramsdell Goodenough, "John a primitive gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.2 (June 1945): 145-182. |
Mary Edith Andrews, "The authorship and significance of the Gospel of John," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.2 (June 1945): 183-192. |
Edgar Johnson Goodspeed, "The editio princeps of Paul," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.2 (June 1945): 193-204. |
Norman A. Huffman, "Emmaus among the resurrection narratives," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.2 (June 1945): 205-226. |
Massey Hamilton Shepherd, "Paul and the double resurrection tradition," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.2 (June 1945): 227-240. |
Paul Ewing Davies, "Jesus and the role of the prophet," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.2 (June 1945): 241-254. |
Donald Fay Robinson, "Where and when did Peter die?" Journal of Biblical Literature 64.2 (June 1945): 255-267. |
Ralph Marcus, "Dositheus, priest and Levite," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.2 (June 1945): 269-271. |
Leroy Waterman, "The ethical clarity of the prophets," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 297-307. |
George Ricker Berry, "The unrealistic attitude of postexilic Judaism," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 309-317. |
Cullen I.K. Story, "The book of Proverbs and Northwest Semitic literature," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 319-337. |
Steven T. Byington, "Hebrew marginalia. III," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 339-355. |
Angelo Segré, "A documentary analysis of ancient Palestinian units of measure," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 357-375. |
Frank Zimmermann, "The births of Perez and Zerah," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 377-378. |
James Alan Montgomery, "Stanza-formation in Hebrew poetry," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 379-384. |
Edward Rochie Hardy, "The date of Psalm 110," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 385-390. |
James Leon Kelso, "Ezekiel’s parable of the corroded copper caldron," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 391-393. |
Charles Cutler Torrey, "‘Taxo’ once more," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 395-397. |
Naphtali H. Tur-Sinai, "Abbreviation or haplography?" Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 399. |
Harry Meyer Orlinsky, "A rejoinder," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 400-402. |
Horace Abram Rigg, "Barabbas," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 417-456. |
Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "The Caesarean text of the gospels," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 457-489. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Frederic R. Crownfield, "The singular problem of the dual Galatians," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 491-500. |
Morton Smith, "Notes on Goodspeed’s "Problems of New Testament Translation."," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 501-514. |
Leon Nemoy, "A tenth century criticism of the doctrine of the logos (John 1:1)," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 515-529. |
Allen Paul Wikgren, "More Armenian New Testament manuscripts in the Kurdian collection," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 531-534. |
Robert Pierce Casey [1897-1959], "Professor Goodenough and the fourth gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 535-542. |
Erwin Ramsdell Goodenough, "A reply," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 543-544. |
Naphtali H. Tur-Sinai, "Yes, haplography!" Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 545-546. |
Abraham Shalom Yahuda [1877-1951], "The name of Balaam’s homeland," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 547-551. |
Morton Scott Enslin, "The future of biblical studies," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.1 (March 1946): 1-12. |
Julian Morgenstern, "Psalm 23," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.1 (March 1946): 13-24. |
Harry Meyer Orlinsky, "HA-ROQDIM for HA-REQIM in II Samuel 6:20," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.1 (March 1946): 25-35. |
Frank Mason North, "The oracle against the Ammonites in Jeremiah 49:1-6," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.1 (March 1946): 37-43. |
Carl Umhau Wolf, "Terminology of Israel’s tribal organization," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.1 (March 1946): 45-49. |
Frank Ringgold Blake, "The form of verbs after WAW in Hebrew," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.1 (March 1946): 51-57. |
Leroy Waterman, "A gloss on Darius the Mede in Daniel 7:5," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.1 (March 1946): 59-61. |
David Winton Thomas [1901-1970], "The interpretation of BSOD in Job 29:4," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.1 (March 1946): 63-66. |
Saul Lieberman, "Two lexicographical notes," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.1 (March 1946): 67-72. |
Eric Werner, "‘Hosanna’ in the Gospels," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.2 (June 1946): 97-122. |
H.L. MacNeill, "The Sitz im Leben of Luke 1:5-2:20," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.2 (June 1946): 123-130. |
J. Spencer Kennard, "Was Capernaum the home of Jesus?" Journal of Biblical Literature 65.2 (June 1946): 131-141. |
Burton Scott Easton [1877-1950], "Bultmann’s RQ source," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.2 (June 1946): 143-156. |
Heinz A. Fischel, "Jewish Gnosticism in the Fourth Gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.2 (June 1946): 157-174. |
Leon E. Wright, "The Oxyrhynchus sayings of Jesus," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.2 (June 1946): 175-183. |
Curtis W. Larson, "Prayer of petition in Philo," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.2 (June 1946): 185-203. |
Julian Obermann, "Sentence negation in Ugaritic," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 233-248. |
Elias Joseph Bickerman, "The edict of Cyrus in Ezra 1," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 249-275. |
Edwin Cornelius Broome, "Ezekiel’s abnormal personality," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 277-292. |
Naphtali H. Tur-Sinai (Shalom Spiegel, Translator), " SEMEL HA-QIN’AH HA-MAQNEH," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 293-302. |
Isaiah Sonne, "Genesis 49:25-26," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 303-306. |
John William Wevers, "Double readings in the books of Kings," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 307-310. |
Frank Zimmermann, "An examination of some biblical passages," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 311-314. |
Salomon Speier (Harry Meyer Orlinsky, Translator), "The Jerusalem Targum to Num 18:12 and Deut 34:3," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 315-318. |
Peter Katz, "KATAPAUSAI as a corruption of KATALYSAI in the LXX," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 319-324. |
Abraham Shalom Yahuda [1877-1951], "Calneh in Shinar," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 325-327. |
Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "Trends in the textual criticism of the Iliad, the Mahbharata, and the New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.4 (Dec. 1946): 339-352. |
Merrill Mead Parvis, "The need for a new Apparatus Criticus to the Greek New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.4 (Dec. 1946): 353-369. |
William Henry Paine Hatch [1875-1972], "To what Syriac version or versions of the Gospels did Thomas of Harqel refer in his margin?" Journal of Biblical Literature 65.4 (Dec. 1946): 371-376. |
S. Vernon McCasland, "'Christ Jesus'," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.4 (Dec. 1946): 377-383. |
Hans Joachim Schoeps, "The sacrifice of Isaac in Paul’s theology," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.4 (Dec. 1946): 385-392. |
Luitpold Wallach, "A Jewish polemic against Gnosticism," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.4 (Dec. 1946): 393-396. |
William Foxwell Albright, "The names "Nazareth" and "Nazoraean"," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.4 (Dec. 1946): 397-401. |
J.W. Cohoon, "Two glosses on Goodspeed’s Problems of New Testament Translation," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.4 (Dec. 1946): 403-404. |
Edgar Johnson Goodspeed, "A reply: Edgar J. Goodspeed," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.4 (Dec. 1946): 405-406. |
Leroy Waterman, "Biblical studies in a new setting," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.1 (March 1947): 1-14.
David |
Keith Andrews, "The translation of Aramaic DI in the Greek Bibles," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.1 (March 1947): 15-51. |
Thedor Herzl Gaster [1906-1992], "An ancient eulogy on Israel: Deuteronomy 33:3-5, 26-29," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.1 (March 1947): 53-62. |
Steven T. Byington, "A mathematical approach to Hebrew meters," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.1 (March 1947): 63-77. |
J. Spencer Kennard, "Nazorean and Nazareth," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.1 (March 1947): 79-81. |
Abraham Shalom Yahuda [1877-1951], "Hebrew words of Egyptian origin," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.1 (March 1947): 83-90. |
Ernest Cadman Colwell, "Genealogical method: its achievements and its limitations," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.2 (June 1947): 109-133. |
Edward F. Hills, "Harmonizations in the Caesarean text of Mark," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.2 (June 1947): 135-152. |
Donald Fay Robinson, "The sources of Mark," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.2 (June 1947): 153-164. |
Kenneth Willis Clark, "The Gentile bias in Matthew," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.2 (June 1947): 165-172. |
Robert McQueen Grant, "The Bible of Theophilus of Antioch," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.2 (June 1947): 173-196. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Alice Philena Hubbard, "'The Bible of Vatable'," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.2 (June 1947): 197-209. |
Oscar Jacob Frank Seitz, "Antecedents and signification of the term DIPSYCHOS," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.2 (June 1947): 211-219. |
Charles Cutler Torrey, "The messiah son of Ephraim," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.3 (Sept. 1947): 253-277. |
Emil Gottlieb Heinrich Kraeling, "The earliest Hebrew flood story," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.3 (Sept. 1947): 279-293. |
Jacques Koppel Mikliszanski, "The law of retaliation and the Pentateuch," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.3 (Sept. 1947): 295-303. |
Sabatino Moscati, "The wind in biblical and Phoenician cosmogony," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.3 (Sept. 1947): 305-310. |
James Alan Montgomery, "A modern translation of the Hebrew Bible compared with ancient versions," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.3 (Sept. 1947): 311-314. |
Joseph Reider, "Etymological studies: YD or YR and R," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.3 (Sept. 1947): 315-317. |
Leroy Waterman, "A note on Daniel 8:2," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.3 (Sept. 1947): 319-320. |
H. Neil Richardson, "A Ugaritic letter of a king to his mother," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.3 (Sept. 1947): 321-324. |
Kendrick Grobel, "The revision of the English New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.4 (Dec. 1947): 361-384. |
Morton Scott Enslin, "The artistry of Mark," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.4 (Dec. 1947): 385-399. |
Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "Recent Spanish contributions to the textual criticism of the New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.4 (Dec. 1947): 401-423. |
Chester Charlton McCown, "The density of population in ancient Palestine," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.4 (Dec. 1947): 425-436. |
Otto Alfred Piper, "I John and the Didache of the primitive church," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.4 (Dec. 1947): 437-451. |
Hans Joachim Schoeps, "Restitutio Principii as the basis for the Nova Lex Jesu," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.4 (Dec. 1947): 453-464. |
Frank Zimmermann, "The last words of Jesus," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.4 (Dec. 1947): 465-466. |
Ernest Cadman Colwell, "Biblical criticism: lower and higher," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.1 (March 1948): 1-12. |
Alexander Mackie Honeyman [1907-1988], "The evidence for regnal names among the Hebrews," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.1 (March 1948): 13-25. |
William Stewart McCullough, "A re-examination of Isaiah 56-66," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.1 (March 1948): 27-36. |
Aage Bentzen, "The cultic use of the story of the ark in Samuel," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.1 (March 1948): 37-53. |
David Neiman, "PGR: a Canaanite cult-object in the Old Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.1 (March 1948): 55-60. |
Julius A. Bewer, "Two suggestions on Prov 30:31 and Zech 9:16," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.1 (March 1948): 61-62. |
Charles M. Cooper, "Theodotion’s influence on the Alexandrian text of Judges," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.1 (March 1948): 63-68. |
Robert Gordis [1908-1992], "The text and meaning of Deuteronomy 33:27," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.1 (March 1948): 69-72. |
Erwin Ramsdell Goodenough, "Wolfson’s Philo," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.2 (June 1948): 87-109. |
George Viviliers Jourdan, "KOINONIA in I Corinthians 10:16," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.2 (June 1948): 111-124. |
Floyd Vivian Filson, "How much of the New Testament is poetry?" Journal of Biblical Literature 67.2 (June 1948): 125-134. |
Allen Paul Wikgren, "The use of the versions in New Testament textual criticism," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.2 (June 1948): 135-142. |
S. MacLean Gilmour, "A critical re-examination of Proto-Luke," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.2 (June 1948): 143-152. |
Amos Berry Hulen, "The call of the four disciples in John 1," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.2 (June 1948): 153-157. |
Charles Milo Connick, "The dramatic character of the Fourth Gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.2 (June 1948): 159-169. |
J. Spencer Kennard, "‘Hosanna’ and the purpose of Jesus," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.2 (June 1948): 171-176. |
Frank Moore Cross & David Noel Freedman, "The blessing of Moses," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.3 (Sept. 1948): 191-210. |
Sheldon H.Blank, "The current misinterpretation of Isaiah’s SHEAR YASHUB," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.3 (Sept. 1948): 211-215. |
Harold Barnes Kuhn, "The angelology of the non-canonical Jewish apocalypses," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.3 (Sept. 1948): 217-232. |
Theophile James Meek, "Old Testament notes," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.3 (Sept. 1948): 233-239. |
Henry Snyder Gehman [1888-1981], "A note on I Samuel 21:13 (14)," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.3 (Sept. 1948): 241-243. |
Joseph Reider, "DMSHQ in Amos 3:12," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.3 (Sept. 1948): 245-248. |
Jacob Leveen, "A note on Psalm 10:17-18," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.3 (Sept. 1948): 249-250. |
Theophilus Mills Taylor, "The place of origin of Romans," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 281-295. |
Robert McQueen Grant, "The coming of the kingdom," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 297-303. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Harris H. Hirschberg, "Once again--the MINIM," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 305-318. |
Burton Hamilton Throckmorton, "Did Mark know Q?" Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 319-329. |
Carl Umhau Wolf, "Concerning the vocabulary of Paul," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 331-338. |
Franklin Woodrow Young, "The relation of I Clement to the Epistle of James," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 339-345. |
Leon E. Wright, "Contextual adaptation in incomplete quotation," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 347-351. |
Joseph Sevier Callaway, "Paul’s letter to the Galatians and Plato’s Lysis," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 353-355. |
Jacob Geerlings, "Is MS 826 the archetype of Fam. 13A?" Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 357-363. |
Claude Darwin Dicks, "The Matthean text of Chrysostom in his homilies on Matthew," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 365-376. |
Julian Morgenstern, "The despoiling of the Egyptians," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.1 (March 1949): 1-28. |
Ralph Marcus, "On the textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.1 (March 1949): 29-34. |
Moshe H. Goshen-Gottstein, "Afterthought and the syntax of relative clauses in biblical Hebrew." Journal of Biblical Literature 68.1 (March 1949): 35-47. |
Steven T. Byington, "Plow and pick," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.1 (March 1949): 49-54. |
Wolf Leslau, "A parallel to the non-gemination of the Hebrew r," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.1 (March 1949): 55-56. |
Godfrey Rolles Driver [1892-1975], "Hebrew notes," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.1 (March 1949): 57-59. |
Floyd Vivian Filson, "Who was the beloved disciple," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.2 (June 1949): 83-88. |
Lyle O. Bristol, "Primitive Christian preaching and the Epistle to the Hebrews," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.2 (June 1949): 89-97. |
Selby Vernon McCasland, "Some New Testament metonyms for God," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.2 (June 1949): 99-113. |
Bernard Jacob Bamberger, "The dating of aggadic materials," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.2 (June 1949): 115-123. |
Kwang-won Kim, "The Matthean text of Origen in his Commentary on Matthew," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.2 (June 1949): 125-139. |
Edward F. Hills, "The inter-relationship of the Caesarean manuscripts," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.2 (June 1949): 141-159. |
Soomon A. Birnbaum [1891-1989], "The date of the Habakkuk Cave Scroll," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.2 (June 1949): 161-168. |
Millar Burrows, "Orthography, morphology, and syntax of the St Mark’s Isaiah Manuscript," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.3 (Sept. 1949): 195-211. |
Margaret Brackenbury Crook, "A suggested occasion for Isaiah 9:2-7 and 11:1-9," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.3 (Sept. 1949): 213-224. |
Helen G. Jefferson, "Notes on the authorship of Isaiah 65 and 66," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.3 (Sept. 1949): 225-230. |
Henry Snyder Gehman [1888-1981], "The theological approach of the Greek translator of Job 1-15," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.3 (Sept. 1949): 231-240. |
Isaiah Sonne, "Psalm eleven," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.3 (Sept. 1949): 241-245. |
Naphtali H. Tur-Sinai, "A psalm by the sons of Heman," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.3 (Sept. 1949): 247-249. |
J. Barton Payne, "The relationship of the Chester Beatty papyri of Ezekiel to Codex Vaticanus," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.3 (Sept. 1949): 251-265. |
Franklin W. Young, "Jesus the prophet: a re-examination," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 285-299. |
Julian Obermann, "The divine name YHWH in the light of recent discoveries," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 301-323. |
Charles Cutler Torrey, "The magic of "Lotapes"," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 325-327. |
Alfred M. Perry, "Translating the Greek article," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 329-334. |
Terence Y. Mullins, "Jewish wisdom literature in the New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 335-339. |
Lindsey P. Pherigo, "Paul and the Corinthian church," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 341-350. |
Charles H. Buck, "The early order of the Pauline corpus," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 351-357. |
Georg Maldfeld & Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "Detailed list of the Greek papyri of the New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 359-370. |
Harold Louis Ginsberg, "In re: my Studies in Daniel," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 402-407. |
Robert Gordis [1908-1992], "Additional note on Deut 33:27," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 407-408. |
Floyd Vivian Filson, "Method in studying biblical history," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.1 (March 1950): 1-18. |
S.M. Stern, "Notes on the new manuscript find," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.1 (March 1950): 19-30. |
Isaac Rabinowitz, "The second and third columns of the Habakkuk interpretation-scroll," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.1 (March 1950): 31-49. |
Harold Louis Ginsberg, "Some emendations in Isaiah," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.1 (March 1950): 51-60. |
Jack Finegan, "The chronology of Ezekiel," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.1 (March 1950): 61-66. |
Selby Vernon McCasland, "The image of God" according to Paul," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.2 (June 1950): 85-100. |
Lyle O. Bristol, "New Testament textual criticism in the eighteenth century," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.2 (June 1950): 101-112. |
Amos Niven Wilder, "Mythology and the New Testament: a review of Kerygma und Mythos," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.2 (June 1950): 113-127. |
Harold R. Willoughby, "Representational biblical cycles: Antiochian and Constantinopolitan," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.2 (June 1950): 129-136. |
David Daube, "Jesus and the Samaritan woman: the meaning of synchraomai," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.2 (June 1950): 137-147. |
Kwang-won Kim, "Codices 1582, 1739, and Origen," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.2 (June 1950): 167-175. |
Chester Charlton McCown, "Hebrew high places and cult remains," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.3 (Sept. 1950): 205-219. |
Julian Morgenstern, "Psalm 11," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.3 (Sept. 1950): 221-231. |
Charles M. Cooper, "Jerome’s "Hebrew Psalter" and the new Latin version," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.3 (Sept. 1950): 233-244. |
Elias Joseph Bickerman, "The date of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.3 (Sept. 1950): 245-260. |
Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "Tatian’s Diatessaron and a Persian harmony of the Gospels," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.3 (Sept. 1950): 261-280. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Robert McQueen Grant, "The origin of the Fourth Gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 305-322. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Eric L. Titus, "The identity of the beloved disciple," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 323-328. |
Oscar Jacob Frank Seitz, "Upon this rock: a critical re-examination of Matt 16:17-19," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 329-340. |
Donald T. Rowlingson, "The geographical orientation of Paul’s missionary interests," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 341-344. |
Edward F. Hills, "A new approach to the Old Egyptian text," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 345-362. |
Ralph Marcus, "A textual-exegetical note on Philo’s Bible," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 363-365. |
William H. Brownlee, "Exorcising the souls from Ezekiel 13:17-23," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 367-373. |
John B. Alexander, "New light on the fiery furnace," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 375-376. |
E.A. Speiser, "An analogue to 2 Sam 1:21: ‘Aqht 1,44-45," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 377-378. |
Leroy Waterman, "Note on Job 19:23-27: Job’s triumph of faith," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 379-380. |
Thedor Herzl Gaster [1906-1992], "Esther 1:22," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 381. |
Edgar J. Goodspeed, "Gaius Titius Justus," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 382-383. |
Robert Henry Pfeiffer, "Facts and faith in biblical history," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.1 (March 1951): 1-14. |
John Bright, "The date of the prose sermons of Jeremiah," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.1 (March 1951): 15-35. |
Isaiah Sonne, "Final verdict on the Scrolls," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.1 (March 1951): 37-44. |
Julius R. Mantey, "The causal use of eis in the New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.1 (March 1951): 45-48. |
Kendrick Grobel, "Bultmann’s problem of NT "mythology"," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.2 (June 1951): 99-103. |
Guy M. Davis, "The humanity of Jesus in John," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.2 (June 1951): 105-112. |
Charles H. Buck, "The date of Galatians," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.2 (June 1951): 113-122. |
Arthur Vööbus, "A critical apparatus for the Vetus Syra," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.2 (June 1951): 123-128. |
Ralph Marcus, "On causal eis," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.2 (June 1951): 129-130. |
Moses H. Segal, "The Habakkuk "Commentary" and the Damascus Fragments (a historical study)," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.2 (June 1951): 131-147. |
Kurt Galling, "The "gola-list" according to Ezra 2 and Nehemiah 7," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.2 (June 1951): 149-158. |
Yehezkel Kaufmann, "The Bible and mythological polytheism," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.3 (Sept. 1951): 179-197. |
Julian Obermann, "Survival of an Old Canaanite participle and its impact on biblical exegesis," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.3 (Sept. 1951): 199-209. |
John William Wevers, "Evidence of the text of the John H Scheide papyri for the translation of the status constructus in Ezekiel," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.3 (Sept. 1951): 211-216. |
John W. Bailey, "The usage in the post-restoration period of terms descriptive of the priest and high priest," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.3 (Sept. 1951): 217-225. |
Solomon A. Birnbaum [1891-1989], "Notes on the internal and archaeological evidence concerning the Cave Scrolls," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.3 (Sept. 1951): 227-232. |
Carl F. Andry, "Barnabae Epist Ver DCCCL," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.3 (Sept. 1951): 233-238. |
Bo Ivar Reicke, "The law and this world according to Paul: some thoughts concerning Gal 4:1-11," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.4 (Dec. 1951): 259-276. |
Lindsey P. Pherigo, "Paul’s life after the close of Acts," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.4 (Dec. 1951): 277-284. |
Edgar J. Goodspeed, "Ephesians and the first edition of Paul," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.4 (Dec. 1951): 285-291. |
Panagiotes K. Christou, "Isopsychos, Phil 2:20,2 Journal of Biblical Literature 70.4 (Dec. 1951): 293-296. |
Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "The formulas introducing quotations of Scripture in the NT and the Mishnah," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.4 (Dec. 1951): 297-307. pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of the copyright holder] |
Margaret Brackenbury Crook, "The promise in Micah 5," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.4 (Dec. 1951): 313-320. |
Erwin Ramsdell Goodenough, "The inspiration of New Testament research," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.1 (March 1952): 1-9. |
Alexander Mackie Honeyman [1907-1988], "Merismus" in biblical Hebrew," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.1 (March 1952): 11-18. |
Isaac Rabinowitz, "The authorship, audience and date of the De Vaux fragment of an unknown work," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.1 (March 1952): 19-32. |
Arvid S. Kapelrud, "God as destroyer in the preaching of Amos and in the ancient Near East," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.1 (March 1952): 33-38. |
Charles Cutler Torrey, "A Hebrew fragment of Jubilees," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.1 (March 1952): 39-41. |
Ralph Marcus, "The elusive causal eis," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.1 (March 1952): 43-44. |
Donald T. Rowlingson, "The Jerusalem conference and Jesus’ Nazareth visit: a study in Pauline chronology," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.2 (June 1952): 69-74. |
Lucetta Mowry, "Revelation 4-5 and early Christian liturgical usage," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.2 (June 1952): 75-84. |
Ernest W. Saunders, "Studies in doctrinal influences on the Byzantine text of the Gospels," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.2 (June 1952): 85-92. |
Robert Gordis [1908-1992], "Koheleth: Hebrew or Aramaic?" Journal of Biblical Literature 71.2 (June 1952): 93-109. |
Frank Zimmermann, "Reconstructions in Judges 7:25-8:25," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.2 (June 1952): 111-114. |
Morton Smith, "The common theology of the ancient Near East," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.3 (Sept. 1952): 135-147. |
Sheldon H.Blank, "And all our virtues": an interpretation of Isaiah 64:4b-5a," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.3 (Sept. 1952): 149-154. |
Helen G. Jefferson, "Psalm 93," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.3 (Sept. 1952): 155-160. |
Samuel Iwry, "Notes on Psalm 68," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.3 (Sept. 1952): 161-165. |
Leroy Waterman, "Note on Job 28:4," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.3 (Sept. 1952): 167-170. |
Cecil Roth, "Ecclesiasticus in the synagogue service," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.3 (Sept. 1952): 171-178. |
Ragnar Leivestad, "An interpretation of Matt 11:19," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.3 (Sept. 1952): 179-181. |
Saul Lieberman, "The discipline in the so-called Dead Sea Manual of Discipline," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.4 (Dec. 1952): 199-206. |
Ralph Marcus, "Philo, Josephus and the Dead Sea yahad," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.4 (Dec. 1952): 207-209. |
Warren M. Smaltz, "Did Peter die in Jerusalem," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.4 (Dec. 1952): 211-216. |
Chalmer E. Faw, "On the writing of First Thessalonians," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.4 (Dec. 1952): 217-225. |
Raymond Rush Brewer, "Revelation 4:6 and translations thereof," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.4 (Dec. 1952): 227-231. |
William H. Rossell, "New Testament adoption - Graeco-Roman or Semitic," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.4 (Dec. 1952): 233-234. |
Marvin Pope, "Isaiah 34 in relation to Isaiah 35,40-66," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.4 (Dec. 1952): 235-243. |
Sheldon H. Blank, "Men against God: the Promethean element in biblical prayer," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.1 (March 1953): 1-13. |
Frank Moore Cross & David Noel Freedman, "A royal song of thanksgiving: 2 Sam 22 " Ps 18a," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.1 (March 1953): 15-34. |
Moses H. Segal, "The promulgation of the authoritative text of the Hebrew Bible," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.1 (March 1953): 35-47. |
Merrill F. Unger, "Some comments on the text of Genesis 15:2,3," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.1 (March 1953): 49-50. |
J. Barton Payne, "The Sahidic Coptic text of 1 Samuel," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.1 (March 1953): 51-62. |
Selby Vernon McCasland, "'Abba, Father'," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.2 (June 1953): 79-91. |
Paul Sevier Minear, "The wounded beast," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.2 (June 1953): 93-101. |
John L. Cheek, "New Testament translation in America," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.2 (June 1953): 103-114. |
Allen Paul Wikgren, "Additional Armenian New Testament manuscripts in the Kurdian collection," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.2 (June 1953): 115-126. |
M.B. Dagut, "2 Maccabees and the death of Antiochus IV Epiphanes," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.3 (Sept. 1953): 149-157. |
Julius A. Bewer, "Textual and exegetical notes on the Book of Ezekiel," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.3 (Sept. 1953): 158-168. |
Charles T. Fritsch, "The treatment of the Hexaplaric signs in the Syro-Hexaplar of Proverbs," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.3 (Sept. 1953): 169-181. |
Donald H. Gard, "The concept of Job’s character according to the Greek translator of the Hebrew text," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.3 (Sept. 1953): 182-186. |
John Knox, "Pliny and 1 Peter: a note on 1 Pet 4:14-16 and 3:15," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.3 (Sept. 1953): 187-189. |
Dale Moody, "God’s only Son: the translation of John 3:16 in the Revised Standard Version," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.4 (Dec. 1953): 213-219. |
Walter Bauer, "The "colt" of Palm Sunday (der Palmesel) [Mk 11:2,4,5,7]," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.4 (Dec. 1953): 220-229. |
Kenneth L. Carroll, "The expansion of the Pauline corpus," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.4 (Dec. 1953): 230-237. |
David G. Bradley, "The topos as a form in the Pauline paraenesis," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.4 (Dec. 1953): 238-246. |
William S. McCullough, "Some suggestions about Amos," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.4 (Dec. 1953): 247-254. |
"Library of Congress checklists," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.4 (Dec. 1953): 275-276. |
Selby Vernon McCasland, "The unity of the Scriptures," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.1 (March 1954): 1-10. |
Isaac Rabinowitz, "A reconsideration of "Damascus" and "390 years" in the "Damascus" ("Zadokite") fragments," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.1 (March 1954): 11-35. |
William L. Reed, "Some implications of hen for Old Testament religion," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.1 (March 1954): 36-41. |
Morton Scott Enslin, "The interpretation of the Fourth Gospel, by C H Dodd," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.1 (March 1954): 45-48. |
Millar Burrows, "Petrus, by Oscar Cullmann," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.1 (March 1954): 48-50. |
Charles Goodwin, "How did John treat his sources," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.2 (June 1954): 61-75. |
Raymond Rush Brewer, "The meaning of politeuesthe in Philippians 1:27," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.2 (June 1954): 76-83. |
Edgar J. Goodspeed, "Some Greek notes," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.2 (June 1954): 84-92. |
Charles Cutler Torrey, "Proverbs, chapter 30," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.2 (June 1954): 93-96. |
Frank Zimmermann, "Some textual studies in Genesis," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.2 (June 1954): 97-101. |
Godfrey Rolles Driver [1892-1975], "Reflections on recent articles," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.3 (Sept. 1954): 125-136. |
Donald H. Gard, "The concept of the future life according to the Greek translator of the Book of Job," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.3 (Sept. 1954): 137-143. |
Margaret Brackenbury Crook, "Did Amos and Micah know Isaiah 9:2-7 and 11:1-9," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.3 (Sept. 1954): 144-151. |
Helen G. Jefferson, "Is Psalm 110 Canaanite," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.3 (Sept. 1954): 152-156. |
Ralph Marcus, "Pharisees, Essenes, and gnostics," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.3 (Sept. 1954): 157-161. |
Harold S. Murphy, "Eusebius’ NT text in the Demonstratio evangelica," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.3 (Sept. 1954): 162-168. |
Felix W. Gingrich, "The Greek New Testament as a landmark in the course of semantic change," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.4 (Dec. 1954): 189-196. |
Paul E. Davies, "Mark’s witness to Jesus," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.4 (Dec. 1954): 197-202. |
Franz Landsberger, "Poetic units within the Song of Songs," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.4 (Dec. 1954): 203-216. |
Giuliano Bonfante & Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "The Old Slavic version of the Gospel according to Luke," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.4 (Dec. 1954): 217-236. |
Jacob J. Rabinowitz, "A note on Isaiah 46:4," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.4 (Dec. 1954): 237. |
Thedor Herzl Gaster [1906-1992], "Psalm 42:8," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.4 (Dec. 1954): 237-238. |
Lawrence N. Manross, "Bêth Essentiae," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.4 (Dec. 1954): 238-239. |
Walther Eichrodt, "God who acts, biblical theology as recital, by G Ernest Wright," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.4 (Dec. 1954): 240-242. |
Millar Burrows, "Thy kingdom come," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.1 (March 1955): 1-8 |
Herbert Gordon May, "Some cosmic connotations of mayim rabbim, "many waters"," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.1 (March 1955): 9-21. |
John L. McKenzie, "Knowledge of God in Hosea," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.1 (March 1955): 22-27. |
Hillel A. Fine, "Tradition of a patient Job," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.1 (March 1955): 28-32. |
Leon J. Liebreich, "The Songs of Ascents and the priestly blessing," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.1 (March 1955): 33-36. |
Sherman E. Johnson, "King parables in the Synoptic Gospels," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.1 (March 1955): 37-39. |
Yigael Yadin, "Note on DSD 4:20," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.1 (March 1955): 40-43. |
Harold R. Willoughby, "Distinctive sources of Palestinian pilgrimage iconography," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.2 (June 1955): 61-68. |
Roy A. Harrisville, "Concept of newness in the New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.2 (June 1955): 69-79. |
Thomas H. Campbell, "Paul’s "missionary journeys" as reflected in his letters," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.2 (June 1955): 80-87. |
Edgar Leonard Allen, "Jewish Christian church in the Fourth Gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.2 (June 1955): 88-92. |
Harold Louis Ginsberg, "Original Hebrew of Ben Sira 12:10-14," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.2 (June 1955): 93-95. |
A.P. Salom, "Some aspects of the grammatical style of I John," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.2 (June 1955): 96-102. |
Robert Gordis [1908-1992], "Was Koheleth a Phoenician," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.2 (June 1955): 103-114. |
Joseph M. Baumgarten & Menahem Mansoor, "Studies in the new Hodayot (Thanksgiving hymns)," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.2 (June 1955): 115-124. |
James Leon Kelso, "Archeology of Qumran," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.3 (Sept. 1955): 141-146. |
Frank Moore Cross, "Oldest manuscripts from Qumran," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.3 (Sept. 1955): 147-172. |
Charles T. Fritsch, "Herod the Great and the Qumran Community," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.3 (Sept. 1955): 173-181. |
Patrick William Skehan, "Exodus in the Samaritan recension from Qumran," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.3 (Sept. 1955): 182-187. |
Joseph M. Baumgarten & Menahem Mansoor, "Studies in the new Hodayot (Thanksgiving hymns)," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.3 (Sept. 1955): 188-195. |
Oscar Cullmann, "Significance of the Qumran texts for research into the beginnings of Christianity," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.4 (Dec. 1955): 213-226. |
J. Spencer Kennard, "Burial of Jesus," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.4 (Dec. 1955): 227-238. |
Thedor Herzl Gaster [1906-1992], "Psalm 45," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.4 (Dec. 1955): 239-251. |
E.A. Speiser, "'I know not the day of my death'," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.4 (Dec. 1955): 252-256. |
Pierson Parker, "'Bethany beyond Jordan'." Journal of Biblical Literature 74.4 (Dec. 1955): 257-261. |
Hollis W. Huston, "Mark 6 and 11 in P45 and in the Caesarean text," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.4 (Dec. 1955): 262-271. |
Ralph Marcus, "Tree of life" in Essene tradition," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.4 (Dec. 1955): 272. |
Nahum M. Sarna, "‘Ytnym, Job 12:19," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.4 (Dec. 1955): 272-273. |
David Noel Freedman, "Pshty in Hosea 2:7," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.4 (Dec. 1955): 275. |
Amos Niven Wilder, "Scholars, theologians, and ancient rhetoric," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.1 (March 1956): 1-11. |
Chester Charlton McCown, "Current plight of biblical scholarship," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.1 (March 1956): 12-18. |
Morton Scott Enslin, "'Twixt the dusk and the daylight'," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.1 (March 1956): 19-26. |
Stanley Rypins, "Two inedited leaves of Codex N," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.1 (March 1956): 27-39. |
Massey Hamilton Shepherd, "Epistle of James and the Gospel of Matthew," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.1 (March 1956): 40-51. |
Francesco Lo Bue, "Historical background of the Epistle to the Hebrews," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.1 (March 1956): 52-57. |
Joseph M Baumgarten & Menahem Mansoor, "Studies in the new Hodayot (Thanksgiving hymns)," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 107-113. |
George Wesley Buchanan, "Old Testament meaning of the knowledge of good and evil," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 114-120. |
Frank Moore Cross, "Qumran cave I," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 121-125. |
Ephraim Avigdor Speiser, "YDWN, Genesis 6:3," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 126-129. |
Robert W. Funk, "Enigma of the famine visit," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 130-136. |
M. Jack Suggs, "Eusebius' text of John in the Writings against Marcellus," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 137-142. |
Alfred Guillaume [1988-1966], "Meaning of twll in Psalm 137:3," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 143-144. |
Arthur Soffer, "'The House of God/Lord' in the Septuagint of the Pentateuch," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 144-145. |
John M. Allegro, "Further light on the history of the Qumran Sect," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 89-95. |
Lou H. Silberman, "Language and structure in the Hodayot (1QH3)," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 96-106. |
William Foxwell Albright, "Albrecht Alt," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.3 (Sept. 1956): 169-173. |
John M. Allegro, "Further messianic references in Qumran literature," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.3 (Sept. 1956): 174-187. |
Harold Henry Rowley [1890-1969], "4QpNahum and the Teacher of Righteousness," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.3 (Sept. 1956): 188-193. |
James Muilenburg, "Birth of Benjamin," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.3 (Sept. 1956): 194-201. |
Frank Moore Cross & George Ernest, "Boundary and province lists of the Kingdom of Judah," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.3 (Sept. 1956): 202-226. |
Floyd Vivian Filson, "Broken patterns in the Gospel of Matthew," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.3 (Sept. 1956): 227-231. |
Paul W. Meyer, "Note on John 10:1-18," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.3 (Sept. 1956): 232-235. |
Sigmund Olaf Plytt Mowinckel, "Some remarks on Hodayot 39:5-20," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.4 (Dec. 1956): 265-276. |
James Philip Hyatt, "New light on Nebuchadnezzar and Judean history," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.4 (Dec. 1956): 277-284. |
Julian Obermann, "Calendaric elements in the Dead Sea Scrolls," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.4 (Dec. 1956): 285-297. |
Ralph Marcus, "Mebaqqer and rabbim in the Manual of Discipline 6:11-13," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.4 (Dec. 1956): 298-302. |
Pierson Parker, "Two editions of John," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.4 (Dec. 1956): 303-314. |
Samuel Rosenblatt, "Crucifixion of Jesus from the standpoint of Pharisaic law," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.4 (Dec. 1956): 315-321. |
John A. McKenzie, "Mythological allusions in Ezekiel 28:12-18," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.4 (Dec. 1956): 322-327. |
Jacob J. Finkelstein, "Hebrew chbr and Semitic hbr," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.4 (Dec. 1956): 328-331. |
James Philip Hyatt, "The Dead Sea discoveries: retrospect and challenge," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 1-12. |
Nahum M. Sarna, "Epic substratum in the prose of Job," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 13-25. |
M. Jack Suggs, "Wisdom of Solomon 2:10 - 5: a homily based on the fourth Servant song," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 26-33. |
Moshe Greenberg, "The Hebrew oath particle chay/che," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 34-39. |
Alfred Guillaume [1988-1966], "Some readings in the Dead Sea Scroll of Isaiah," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 40-43. |
Preben Wernberg-Möller, "Pronouns and suffixes in the Scrolls and the Masoretic Text," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 44-49. |
Eugene Arden, "How Moses failed God," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 50-52. |
E. Earle Ellis, "Note on 1 Corinthians 10:4," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 53-56. |
Norman Walker, "Concerning the 390 years and the 20 years of the Damascus Document," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 57-58. |
Steven T. Byington, "Dny and yhwh," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 58-59. |
H. Neil Richardson, "Some notes on 1QSa," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.2 (June 1957): 108-122. |
Robert Gordis [1908-1992], "The knowledge of good and evil in the Old Testament and the Qumran Scrolls," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.2 (June 1957): 123-138. |
Menahem Mansoor, "Studies in the Hodayot IV," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.2 (June 1957): 139-148. |
Selby Vernon McCasland, "Signs and wonders," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.2 (June 1957): 149-152. |
Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "The "lost" sections of II Esdras (" IV Ezra)," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.2 (June 1957): 153-156. |
William R. Baird, "What is the kerygma: a study of 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 and Galatians 1:11-17," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.3 (Sept. 1957): 181-191. |
George E. Ladd, "Why not prophetic-apocalyptic," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.3 (Sept. 1957): 192-200. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
J. Arthur Baird, "A pragmatic approach to parable exegesis: some new evidence on Mark 4:11,33-34," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.3 (Sept. 1957): 201-207. |
Jacob J. Enz, "The Book of Exodus as a literary type for the Gospel of John," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.3 (Sept. 1957): 208-215. |
Anne E. Draffkorn, "Ilani/Elohim," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.3 (Sept. 1957): 216-224. |
Samuel Iwry, "Massebah and Bamah in 1Q Isaiaha 6:13," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.3 (Sept. 1957): 225-232. |
Harold H. Oliver, "A textual transposition in Codex C (Ephraemi Syri rescriptus)," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.3 (Sept. 1957): 233-236. |
J. Harold Greenlee, "A corrected collation of Codex Zacynthius (Cod 040)," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.3 (Sept. 1957): 237-241. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Sigmund Olaf Plytt Mowinckel, "The Copper Scroll - an apocryphon," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.4 (Dec. 1957): 261-265. |
Joseph M. Baumgarten, "On the testimony of women in 1QSa," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.4 (Dec. 1957): 266-269. |
James M. Robinson, "A formal analysis of Colossians 1:15-20," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.4 (Dec. 1957): 270-287. |
Edward Y. Kutscher, "Dating the language of the Genesis Apocryphon," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.4 (Dec. 1957): 288-292. |
Jakob Josef Petuchowski, "‘Do this in remembrance of me’ (1 Cor 11:24)," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.4 (Dec. 1957): 293-298. |
Terence Y. Mullins, "Paul’s thorn in the flesh," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.4 (Dec. 1957): 299-303. |
Moshe Greenberg, "Ezekiel 17 and the policy of Psammetichus II," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.4 (Dec. 1957): 304-309. |
Sherman E. Johnson, "Early Christianity in Asia Minor," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.1 (March 1958): 1-17. |
James Muilenburg, "Preface to hermeneutics," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.1 (March 1958): 18-26. |
John Coert Rylaarsdam, "The problem of faith and history in biblical interpretation," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.1 (March 1958): 26-32. |
Krister Stendahl, "Implications of form-criticism and tradition-criticism for biblical interpretation," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.1 (March 1958): 33-38. |
George Ernest Wright, "Archeology and Old Testament studies," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.1 (March 1958): 39-51. |
George E. Mendenhall, "The census lists of Numbers 1 and 26," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.1 (March 1958): 52-66. |
Alfred E. Haefner, "The bridge between Mark and Acts," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.1 (March 1958): 67-71. |
Edwin M. Good, "Two notes on Aqhat," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.1 (March 1958): 72-74. |
Solomon Zeitlin, "Dating the Genesis Apocryphon," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.1 (March 1958): 75-76. |
Moshe Greenberg, "On Ezekiel’s dumbness," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.2 (June 1958): 101-105. |
John Strugnell, "Flavius Josephus and the Essenes: Antiquities 18:18-22," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.2 (June 1958): 106-115. |
James A. Walther, "The chronology of Passion Week," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.2 (June 1958): 116-122. |
Paul L. Garber, "Reconsidering the reconstruction of Solomon’s Temple," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.2 (June 1958): 123-129. |
William Foxwell Albright & George Ernest Wright, "Comments on Professor Garber’s article," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.2 (June 1958): 129-132. |
Donald C. Swanson, "Diminutives in the Greek New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.2 (June 1958): 134-151. |
Harold Louis Ginsberg, "The arm of YHWH in Isaiah 51-63 and the text of Isa 53:10-11," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.2 (June 1958): 152-156. |
C.G. Tuland, "Hanani - Hananiah," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.2 (June 1958): 157-161. |
David Noel Freedman, "Jonah 1:4b," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.2 (June 1958): 161-162. |
John L. McKenzie, "Problems of hermeneutics in Roman Catholic exegesis," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.3 (Sept. 1958): 197-204. |
Robert Balgarnie Young Scott [1899-1987], "The Hebrew cubit," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.3 (Sept. 1958): 205-214. |
John M. Allegro, "More Isaiah commentaries from Qumran’s fourth cave," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.3 (Sept. 1958): 215-221. |
Selby Vernon McCasland, "‘The Way’," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.3 (Sept. 1958): 222-230. |
Frederick W. Danker, "Luke 16:16: an opposition logion," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.3 (Sept. 1958): 231-243. |
William Foxwell Albright, "Bultmann’s history and eschatology," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.3 (Sept. 1958): 244-248. |
Joseph M. Baumgarten, "Qumran studies," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.3 (Sept. 1958): 249-257. |
Siegfried Mendner, "Nikodemus," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.4 (Dec. 1958): 293-323. |
William W. Hallo, "Isaiah 28:9-13 and the Ugaritic abecedaries," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.4 (Dec. 1958): 324-338. |
John H.P. Reumann, "Stewards of God": pre-Christian religious application of oikonomos in Greek," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.4 (Dec. 1958): 339-349. |
John M. Allegro, "Fragments of a Qumran scroll of eschatological midrasîm," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.4 (Dec. 1958): 350-354. |
Joseph M. Baumgarten, "the beginning of the day in the calendar of Jubilees," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.4 (Dec. 1958): 355-360. |
Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "On the citation of variant readings of Matt 1:16," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.4 (Dec. 1958): 361-363. |
J. Harold Greenlee, "Some examples of scholarly "agreement in error"," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.4 (Dec. 1958): 363-364. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
William Andrew Irwin, "A still small voice said, "What are you doing here"," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.1 (March 1959): 1-12. |
Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "[Reply, B H Throckmorton, 78,162-163 1959]," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.1 (March 1959): 13-20. |
Patrick William Skehan, "Qumran and the present state of Old Testament text studies: the Masoretic Text," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.1 (March 1959): 21-25. |
Harry Meyer Orlinsky, "Qumran and the present state of Old Testament text studies: the Septuagint text," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.1 (March 1959): 26-33. |
Joseph Ziegler, "Die Vorlage der Isaias-Septuaginta, 70, und die erste Isaias-Rolle von Qumran, 1QIsa," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.1 (March 1959): 34-59. |
Joseph A. Fitzmyer, "Aramaic Qorban inscription from Jebel Hallet et-Tûri and Mark 7:11, Matt 15:5," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.1 (March 1959): 60-65. |
Morton Smith, "What is implied by the variety of messianic figures," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.1 (March 1959): 66-72. |
Theophile James Meek, "I Kings 20:1-10," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.1 (March 1959): 73-75. |
Nels F.S. Ferré, "Notes by a theologian on biblical hermeneutics," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 105-114. |
Otto Alfred Piper, "Origin of the gospel pattern," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 115-124. |
Moshe Greenberg, "The biblical conception of asylum," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 125-132. |
James Albertson, "Application of mathematical probability to manuscript discoveries," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 133-141. |
John M. Allegro, "Recently discovered fragment of a commentary on Hosea from Qumran’s fourth cave," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 142-147. |
Howard M. Teeple & F. Allyn Walker, "Notes on the plates in Papyrus Bodmer II," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 148-152. |
Solomon Zeitlin, "Beginning of the day in the calendar of Jubilees," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 153-156. |
Lou H. Silberman, "A note on 4Q Florilegium," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 158-159. |
F. Charles Fensham, "New light on Ex 21:6 and 22:7 from the Laws of Eshnunna," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 160-161. |
Burton Hamilton Throckmorton, "A reply to Professor Metzger," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 162-163. |
Brevard S. Childs, "Enemy from the north and the chaos tradition," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.3 (Sept. 1959): 187-198. |
Matitiahu Tsevat, "Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian vassal oaths and the prophet Ezekiel," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.3 (Sept. 1959): 199-204. |
Robert W. Funk, "The wilderness," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.3 (Sept. 1959): 205-214. |
John P. Brown, "Early revision of the Gospel of Mark," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.3 (Sept. 1959): 215-227. |
Harold S. Murphy, "On the text of codices H [Coislinianus] and 93 [with collation]," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.3 (Sept. 1959): 228-237. |
Yigael Yadin, "A crucial passage in the Dead Sea Scrolls: 1QSa 2:11-17," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.3 (Sept. 1959): 238-241. |
James M. Robinson, "Recent research in the Fourth Gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.3 (Sept. 1959): 242-252. |
Herbert B. Huffmon, "Covenant lawsuit in the Prophets," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 285-295. |
Charles E. Carlston, "Eschatology and repentance in the Epistle to the Hebrews," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 296-302. |
Mitchell Joseph Dahood, "Root zb II in Job," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 303-309. |
Nahum M. Sarna, "Interchange of the prepositions beth and min in biblical Hebrew," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 310-316. |
James D. Yoder, "Semitisms in Codex Bezae," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 317-321. |
Julian Morgenstern, "David and Jonathan," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 322-325. |
David H. Freeman, "Scrolls and the New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 326-334. |
Isaiah Sonne, "Isaiah 53:10-12," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 335-342. |
William R. Lane, "A new commentary structure in 4Q Florilegium," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 343-346. |
Herbert E. Robbins, "Comments on a paper by James Albertson," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 347-350. |
Robert McQueen Grant, "Two Gnostic Gospels," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.1 (March 1960): 1-11. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Abraham Malamat, "Hazor "the head of all those kingdoms"," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.1 (March 1960): 12-19. |
William C. Robinson, "Theological context for interpreting Luke’s travel narrative," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.1 (March 1960): 20-31. |
Jehoshua M. Grintz, "Hebrew as the spoken and written language in the last days of the Second Temple," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.1 (March 1960): 32-47. |
Sherman E. Johnson, "Preaching to the dead," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.1 (March 1960): 48-51. |
Allen Paul Wikgren, "New Armenian manuscripts of the New Testament in the Kurdian collection," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.1 (March 1960): 52-56. |
Robert T. Anderson, "Was Isaiah a scribe," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.1 (March 1960): 57-58. |
F. Charles Fensham, "Treaty between Solomon and Hiram and the Alalakh tablets," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.1 (March 1960): 59-60. |
Paul Kahle, "Greek Bible manuscripts used by Origen," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 111-118. |
Eduard Schweizer, "Son of Man," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 119-129. |
Francis Wright Beare, "'Sabbath was made for man?'" Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 130-136. |
Bo Ivar Reicke, "Official and pietistic elements of Jewish apocalypticism," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 137-150. |
David Noel Freedman, "Name of the God of Moses," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 151-156. |
E.A. Speiser, "People" and "nation" of Israel," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 157-163. |
Howard M. Teeple, "Notes on theologians’ approach to the Bible," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 164-166. |
Harold Louis Ginsberg, "Ezra 1:4," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 167-169. |
Norman Walker, "Awkward reading in the Damascus document," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 169-170. |
Jacob A. Dyer, "[Katelaben in Jn 1:5] the unappreciated light," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 170-171. |
Pierson Parker, "John and John Mark," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 97-110. |
James Muilenburg, "Son of Man in Daniel and the Ethiopic Apocalypse of Enoch," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.3 (Sept. 1960): 197-209. |
Theodore R Rosché, "Words of Jesus and the future of the "Q" hypothesis," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.3 (Sept. 1960): 210-220. |
Jack W. Hannah, "Setting of the Ignatian long recension," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.3 (Sept. 1960): 221-238. |
Joseph B. Tyson, "Jesus and Herod Antipas," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.3 (Sept. 1960): 239-246. |
Oscar Jacob Frank Seitz, "'What do these stones mean?'" Journal of Biblical Literature 79.3 (Sept. 1960): 247-254. |
Nigel M. Watson, "Some observations on the use of DIKAIOO in the Septuagint," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.3 (Sept. 1960): 255-266. |
Paul L. Hammer, "Comparison of kleronomia in Paul and Ephesians," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.3 (Sept. 1960): 267-272. |
Moshe Greenberg, "nsh in Exodus 20:20 and the purpose of the Sinaitic theophany," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.3 (Sept. 1960): 273-276. |
Norman Walker, "Concerning Exodus 34:6," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.3 (Sept. 1960): 277. |
L. Yaure, "Elymas-Nehelamite-Pethor," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.4 (Dec. 1960): 297-314. |
C.W.F. Smith, "No time for figs," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.4 (Dec. 1960): 315-327. |
Theophile James Meek, "Translating the Hebrew Bible," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.4 (Dec. 1960): 328-335. |
Robert A. Kraft, "Barnabas’ Isaiah text and the "testimony book" hypothesis," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.4 (Dec. 1960): 336-350. |
William L. Holladay, "Prototype and copies: a new approach to the poetry-prose problem in the Book of Jeremiah," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.4 (Dec. 1960): 351-367. |
Robert Balgarnie Young Scott [1899-1987], "Postscript on the cubit," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.4 (Dec. 1960): 368. |
Robert Balgarnie Young Scott [1899-1987], "Priesthood, prophecy, wisdom, and the knowledge of God," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.1 (March 1961): 1-15. |
Benjamin Mazar, "Geshur and Maacah," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.1 (March 1961): 16-28. |
John P. Brown, "Mark as witness to an edited form of Q," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.1 (March 1961): 29-44. |
Menahem Haran, "Studies in the account of the Levitical cities," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.1 (March 1961): 45-54. |
Joseph Blenkinsopp, "Oracle of Judah and the messianic entry," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.1 (March 1961): 55-64. |
Julian Morgenstern, "Son of Man" of Daniel 7:13f: a new interpretation," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.1 (March 1961): 65-77. |
Samuel Sandmel, "Haggada within Scripture," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.2 (June 1961): 105-122. |
Massey Hamilton Shepherd, "Are both the Synoptics and John correct about the date of Jesus’ death," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.2 (June 1961): 123-132. |
William Andrew Irwin, "Where shall wisdom be found," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.2 (June 1961): 133-142. |
Selby Vernon McCasland, "Matthew twists the Scriptures," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.2 (June 1961): 143-148. |
Sidney Jellicoe, "St Luke and the Letter of Aristeas," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.2 (June 1961): 149-155. |
Menahem Haran, "Studies in the account of the Levitical cities," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.2 (June 1961): 156-165. |
William R. Baird, "Letters of recommendation: a study of 2 Cor 3:1-3," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.2 (June 1961): 166-172. |
William Franklin Stinespring, "Eschatology in Chronicles," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.3 (Sept. 1961): 209-219. |
Sydney Temple, "Key to the composition of the Fourth Gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.3 (Sept. 1961): 220-232. |
Charles E. Carlston, "Transfiguration and resurrection," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.3 (Sept. 1961): 233-240. |
Moshe Weinfeld, "Origin of the humanism in Deuteronomy," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.3 (Sept. 1961): 241-247. |
S. MacLean Gilmour, "Christophany to more than five hundred brethren," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.3 (Sept. 1961): 248-252. |
Francis Wright Beare, "Text of 1 Peter in Papyrus 72," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.3 (Sept. 1961): 253-260. |
Joseph B. Tyson, "Blindness of the disciples in Mark," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.3 (Sept. 1961): 261-268. |
Mitchell Joseph Dahood, "Mismar "muzzle" in Job 7:12," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.3 (Sept. 1961): 270-271. |
Georg Fohrer, "Remarks on modern interpretation of the prophets," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.4 (Dec. 1961): 309-319. |
Raymond Abba, "Divine name Yahweh," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.4 (Dec. 1961): 320-328. |
Edwin D. Freed, "Entry into Jerusalem in the Gospel of John," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.4 (Dec. 1961): 329-338. |
Harold Louis Ginsberg, "Hosea’s Ephraim, more fool than knave: a new interpretation of Hosea 12:1-14," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.4 (Dec. 1961): 339-347. |
Richard T. Mead, "Healing of the paralytic--a unit," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.4 (Dec. 1961): 348-354. |
John Briggs Curtis, "'East is East'," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.4 (Dec. 1961): 355-363. |
Victor Paul Furnish, "'Fellow workers in God’s service'," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.4 (Dec. 1961): 364-370. |