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Journal of Biblical LiteratureThe Journal of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis (1881-1888) and the Journal of Biblical Literature (1890 - ) are publications of the Society of Biblical Literature. Subscribers have access to all issues via JSTOR. For membership information visit the Society of Biblical Literature website.

Vols. 1 - 20 (1881 - 1901)
Vols. 21 - 40 (1902 - 1921)
Vols. 41 - 60 (1922 - 1941)
Vols. 61 - 80 (1942 - 1961)
Vols. 81 - 100 (1962 - 1981)
Vols. 101 - 120 (1982 - 2001)
Vols. 121 - (2002 - )

Volume 61 (1942)

Article in Journal or Book Julian Morgenstern, "The Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.1 (March 1942): 1-10.
Article in Journal or Book Allen Paul Wikgren, "APCHE TOU EUANGELIOU," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.1 (March 1942): 11-20.
Article in Journal or Book Theophile James Meek, "Monotheism and the religion of Israel," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.1 (March 1942): 21-43.
Article in Journal or Book Julius A. Bewer, "Notes on 1 Sam 13:21; 2 Sam 23:1; Psalm 48:8," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.1 (March 1942): 45-49.
Article in Journal or Book Umberto Cassuto, "The palace of Baal," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.1 (March 1942): 51-56.
Article in Journal or Book Harold R. Willoughby, "Stray New Testament-Psalter leaves identified," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.1 (March 1942): 57-60.
Article in Journal or Book "Conservation of scholarly journals," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.1 (March 1942): 70.
Article in Journal or Book Charles Cutler Torrey, "The Aramaic of the Gospels," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.2 (June 1942): 71-85.
Article in Journal or Book Harry Meyer Orlinsky, "Critical notes on Gen 39:14,17, Jud 11:37," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.2 (June 1942): 87-97.
Article in Journal or Book Pearle Stone Wood, "Jeremiah’s figure of the almond rod," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.2 (June 1942): 99-103.
Article in Journal or Book Osborne Booth, "The semantic development of the term MISPAT in the Old Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.2 (June 1942): 105-110.
Article in Journal or Book Herbert Gordon May, "Towards an objective approach to the book of Jeremiah: the biographer," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.3 (Sept. 1942): 139-155.
Article in Journal or Book Paul Sevier Minear, "The needle’s eye: a study in form criticism," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.3 (Sept. 1942): 157-169.
Article in Journal or Book Harris H. Hirschberg, "Simon Bariona and the Ebionites," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.3 (Sept. 1942): 171-191.
Article in Journal or Book Günther Zuntz, "Notes on the Greek Enoch," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.3 (Sept. 1942): 193-204.
Article in Journal or Book Steven T. Byington, "Hebrew marginalia II: Job 28," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.3 (Sept. 1942): 205-207.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Gordis [1908-1992], "Notes on 1 Sam 13:21," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.3 (Sept. 1942): 209-211.
Article in Journal or Book Grace Harriet Macurdy, "Platonic Orphism in the Testament of Abraham," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.4 (Dec. 1942): 213-226.
Article in Journal or Book Ralph Marcus, "A note on Bariona," Journal of Biblical Literature 61.4 (Dec. 1942): 281.

Volume 62 (1943)

Article in Journal or Book Charles Cutler Torrey, "'Taxo' in the Assumption of Moses," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.1 (1943): 1-7.
Article in Journal or Book George Ricker Berry, "The apocalyptic literature of the Old Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.1 (1943): 9-16.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Gordis [1908-1992], "The heptad as an element of biblical and rabbinic style," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.1 (1943): 17-26.
Article in Journal or Book Floyd Vivian Filson, "The omission of Ezek 12:26-28 and 36:23b-38 in Codex 967," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.1 (1943): 27-32.
Article in Journal or Book W. Sommer, "The meaning of PUK in the Old Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.1 (1943): 33-35.
Article in Journal or Book Mary Edith Andrews, "The historical gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.2 (1943): 45-57.
Article in Journal or Book S. Vernon McCasland, "'Soldiers on service': the draft among the Hebrews," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.2 (1943): 59-71.
Article in Journal or Book Harris H. Hirschberg, "Allusions to the Apostle Paul in the Talmud," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.2 (1943): 73-87.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Ringgold Blake, "The origin and development of the Hebrew daghesh," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.2 (1943): 89-107.
Article in Journal or Book Harold Louis Ginsberg, "The Ugaritic texts and textual criticism," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.2 (1943): 109-115.
Article in Journal or Book Ralph Marcus, "The tree of life in Proverbs," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.2 (1943): 117-120.
Article in Journal or Book Godfrey Rolles Driver [1892-1975], "On Habakkuk 3:7," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.2 (1943): 121.
Article in Journal or Book "Universities Committee on Post-War International Problems," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.2 (1943): 133-135.
Article in Journal or Book Alexander Sperber, "Hebrew grammar: a new approach," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.3 (1943): 137-262.
Article in Journal or Book Kirsopp Lake [1872-1946] & Silva Tipple Lake, "The scribe Ephraim," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.4 (Dec. 1943): 263-268.
Article in Journal or Book Julian Morgenstern, "Deutero-Isaiah’s terminology for "universal God"," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.4 (Dec. 1943): 269-280.
Article in Journal or Book Clarence Tucker Craig, "Biblical theology and the rise of historicism," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.4 (Dec. 1943): 281-294.
Article in Journal or Book Francis Wright Beare, "The sequence of events in Acts 9-15 and the career of Peter," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.4 (Dec. 1943): 295-306.
Article in Journal or Book Amos Niven Wilder, "Variant traditions of the resurrection in Acts," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.4 (Dec. 1943): 307-318.
Article in Journal or Book T.E. Floyd Honey, "Did Mark use Q?" Journal of Biblical Literature 62.4 (Dec. 1943): 319-331.
Article in Journal or Book Luitpold Wallach, "The parable of the blind and the lame: a study in comparative literature," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.4 (Dec. 1943): 333-339.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Gordis [1908-1992], "A note on YAD," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.4 (Dec. 1943): 341-344.
Article in Journal or Book Thedor Herzl Gaster [1906-1992], "On Habakkuk 3:4," Journal of Biblical Literature 62.4 (Dec. 1943): 345-346.

Volume 63 (1944)

Article in Journal or Book Giorgio Levi Della Vida, "El ‘Elyon in Genesis 14:18-20," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.1 (March 1944): 1-9.
Article in Journal or Book Emil Gottlieb Heinrich Kraeling, "The handwriting on the wall," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.1 (March 1944): 11-18.
Article in Journal or Book "The Hebrew root SKB," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.1 (March 1944): 19-44.
Article in Journal or Book Alexander Mackie Honeyman [1907-1988], "Traces of an early diacritic sign in Isaiah 8:6b," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.1 (March 1944): 45-50.
Article in Journal or Book Thedor Herzl Gaster [1906-1992], "Two notes on Nahum," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.1 (March 1944): 51-52.
Article in Journal or Book Günther Zuntz, "The Greek text of Enoch 102:1-3," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.1 (March 1944): 53-54.
Article in Journal or Book Mary Lucetta Mowry, "The early circulation of Paul’s letters," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 73-86.
Article in Journal or Book Edgar Johnson Goodspeed, "Greek idiom in the Gospels," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 87-92.
Article in Journal or Book Charles Cutler Torrey, "James the Just, and his name "Oblias"," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 93-98.
Article in Journal or Book Alfred Morris Perry [1889-?], "Is John an Alexandrian Gospel?" Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 99-106.
Article in Journal or Book Edwin Cornelius Broome, "The sources of the Fourth Gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 107-121.
Article in Journal or Book Ira Jay Martin, "Glossolalia in the Apostolic Church," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 123-130.
Article in Journal or Book Oscar Jacob Frank Seitz, "Relationship of the Shepherd of Hermas to the Epistle of James," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 131-140.
Article in Journal or Book Hope Broome Downs, "The Peshitto as a revision: its background in Syriac and Greek texts of Mark," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 141-159.
Article in Journal or Book James Alan Montgomery, "The Hebrew divine name and the personal pronoun HU," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 161-163.
Article in Journal or Book Harry Austryn Wolfson, "Philo on Jewish citizenship in Alexandria," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 165-168.
Article in Journal or Book Donald Fay Robinson, "A note on Acts 11:27-30," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 169-172.
Article in Journal or Book Richard Anthony Parker, "Ancient Jewish calendation: a criticism," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 173-176.
Article in Journal or Book Grace Amadon, "The crucifixion calendar," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.2 (June 1944): 177-190.
Article in Journal or Book William Foxwell Albright, "The oracles of Balaam," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.3 (Sept. 1944): 207-233.
Article in Journal or Book James Muilenburg, "Psalm 47," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.3 (Sept. 1944): 235-256.
Article in Journal or Book Charles Goodwin, "The meaning of Judges 5:8b-13," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.3 (Sept. 1944): 257-262.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Gordis [1908-1992], "A wedding song for Solomon," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.3 (Sept. 1944): 263-270.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Ringgold Blake, "The Hebrew WAW conversive," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.3 (Sept. 1944): 271-295.
Article in Journal or Book Mayer G. Slonim, "Masculine predicates with feminine subjects in the Hebrew Bible," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.3 (Sept. 1944): 297-302.
Article in Journal or Book Henry Snyder Gehman [1888-1981], "SEFER, an inscription, in the book of Job," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.3 (Sept. 1944): 303-307.
Article in Journal or Book Franz Rosenthal, "MAGEN MASAK MAOZ," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.3 (Sept. 1944): 309-312.
Article in Journal or Book Chester Charlton McCown, "Symbolic interpretation," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.4 (Dec. 1944): 329-338.
Article in Journal or Book Elias Joseph Bickerman, "The colophon of the Greek Book of Esther," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.4 (Dec. 1944): 339-362.
Article in Journal or Book Robert McQueen Grant, "The Odes of Solomon and the Church of Antioch," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.4 (Dec. 1944): 363-377.
Article in Journal or Book Francis Wright Beare, "The text of the Epistle to the Hebrews in P46," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.4 (Dec. 1944): 379-396.
Article in Journal or Book Leon J. Liebreich, "Notes on the Greek version of Symmachus," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.4 (Dec. 1944): 397-403.
Article in Journal or Book Harry Meyer Orlinsky, "The Septuagint variant katepausan in Josh 2:1," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.4 (Dec. 1944): 405-406.
Article in Journal or Book Francis Wright Beare, "Note on Paul’s first two visits to Jerusalem," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.4 (Dec. 1944): 407-409.
Article in Journal or Book Donald Fay Robinson, "A reply," Journal of Biblical Literature 63.4 (Dec. 1944): 411-412.

Volume 64 (1945)

Article in Journal or Book Theophile James Meek, "The syntax of the sentence in Hebrew," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.1 (March 1945): 1-13.
Article in Journal or Book Harold Henry Rowley [1890-1969], "The figure of "Taxo" in the Assumption of Moses," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.1 (March 1945): 141-143.
Article in Journal or Book Julian Morgenstern, "The divine triad in biblical mythology," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.1 (March 1945): 15-37.
Article in Journal or Book Alexander Sperber, "Biblical exegesis: prolegomena to a commentary and dictionary to the Bible," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.1 (March 1945): 39-140.
Article in Journal or Book Erwin Ramsdell Goodenough, "John a primitive gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.2 (June 1945): 145-182.
Article in Journal or Book Mary Edith Andrews, "The authorship and significance of the Gospel of John," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.2 (June 1945): 183-192.
Article in Journal or Book Edgar Johnson Goodspeed, "The editio princeps of Paul," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.2 (June 1945): 193-204.
Article in Journal or Book Norman A. Huffman, "Emmaus among the resurrection narratives," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.2 (June 1945): 205-226.
Article in Journal or Book Massey Hamilton Shepherd, "Paul and the double resurrection tradition," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.2 (June 1945): 227-240.
Article in Journal or Book Paul Ewing Davies, "Jesus and the role of the prophet," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.2 (June 1945): 241-254.
Article in Journal or Book Donald Fay Robinson, "Where and when did Peter die?" Journal of Biblical Literature 64.2 (June 1945): 255-267.
Article in Journal or Book Ralph Marcus, "Dositheus, priest and Levite," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.2 (June 1945): 269-271.
Article in Journal or Book Leroy Waterman, "The ethical clarity of the prophets," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 297-307.
Article in Journal or Book George Ricker Berry, "The unrealistic attitude of postexilic Judaism," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 309-317.
Article in Journal or Book Cullen I.K. Story, "The book of Proverbs and Northwest Semitic literature," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 319-337.
Article in Journal or Book Steven T. Byington, "Hebrew marginalia. III," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 339-355.
Article in Journal or Book Angelo Segré, "A documentary analysis of ancient Palestinian units of measure," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 357-375.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Zimmermann, "The births of Perez and Zerah," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 377-378.
Article in Journal or Book James Alan Montgomery, "Stanza-formation in Hebrew poetry," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 379-384.
Article in Journal or Book Edward Rochie Hardy, "The date of Psalm 110," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 385-390.
Article in Journal or Book James Leon Kelso, "Ezekiel’s parable of the corroded copper caldron," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 391-393.
Article in Journal or Book Charles Cutler Torrey, "‘Taxo’ once more," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 395-397.
Article in Journal or Book Naphtali H. Tur-Sinai, "Abbreviation or haplography?" Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 399.
Article in Journal or Book Harry Meyer Orlinsky, "A rejoinder," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.3 (Sept. 1945): 400-402.
Article in Journal or Book Horace Abram Rigg, "Barabbas," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 417-456.
On-line Resource Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "The Caesarean text of the gospels," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 457-489.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book Frederic R. Crownfield, "The singular problem of the dual Galatians," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 491-500.
Article in Journal or Book Morton Smith, "Notes on Goodspeed’s "Problems of New Testament Translation."," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 501-514.
Article in Journal or Book Leon Nemoy, "A tenth century criticism of the doctrine of the logos (John 1:1)," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 515-529.
Article in Journal or Book Allen Paul Wikgren, "More Armenian New Testament manuscripts in the Kurdian collection," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 531-534.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Pierce Casey [1897-1959], "Professor Goodenough and the fourth gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 535-542.
Article in Journal or Book Erwin Ramsdell Goodenough, "A reply," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 543-544.
Article in Journal or Book Naphtali H. Tur-Sinai, "Yes, haplography!" Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 545-546.
Article in Journal or Book Abraham Shalom Yahuda [1877-1951], "The name of Balaam’s homeland," Journal of Biblical Literature 64.4 (Dec. 1945): 547-551.

Volume 65 (1946)

Article in Journal or Book Morton Scott Enslin, "The future of biblical studies," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.1 (March 1946): 1-12.
Article in Journal or Book Julian Morgenstern, "Psalm 23," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.1 (March 1946): 13-24.
Article in Journal or Book Harry Meyer Orlinsky, "HA-ROQDIM for HA-REQIM in II Samuel 6:20," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.1 (March 1946): 25-35.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Mason North, "The oracle against the Ammonites in Jeremiah 49:1-6," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.1 (March 1946): 37-43.
Article in Journal or Book Carl Umhau Wolf, "Terminology of Israel’s tribal organization," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.1 (March 1946): 45-49.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Ringgold Blake, "The form of verbs after WAW in Hebrew," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.1 (March 1946): 51-57.
Article in Journal or Book Leroy Waterman, "A gloss on Darius the Mede in Daniel 7:5," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.1 (March 1946): 59-61.
Article in Journal or Book David Winton Thomas [1901-1970], "The interpretation of BSOD in Job 29:4," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.1 (March 1946): 63-66.
Article in Journal or Book Saul Lieberman, "Two lexicographical notes," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.1 (March 1946): 67-72.
Article in Journal or Book Eric Werner, "‘Hosanna’ in the Gospels," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.2 (June 1946): 97-122.
Article in Journal or Book H.L. MacNeill, "The Sitz im Leben of Luke 1:5-2:20," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.2 (June 1946): 123-130.
Article in Journal or Book J. Spencer Kennard, "Was Capernaum the home of Jesus?" Journal of Biblical Literature 65.2 (June 1946): 131-141.
Article in Journal or Book Burton Scott Easton [1877-1950], "Bultmann’s RQ source," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.2 (June 1946): 143-156.
Article in Journal or Book Heinz A. Fischel, "Jewish Gnosticism in the Fourth Gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.2 (June 1946): 157-174.
Article in Journal or Book Leon E. Wright, "The Oxyrhynchus sayings of Jesus," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.2 (June 1946): 175-183.
Article in Journal or Book Curtis W. Larson, "Prayer of petition in Philo," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.2 (June 1946): 185-203.
Article in Journal or Book Julian Obermann, "Sentence negation in Ugaritic," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 233-248.
Article in Journal or Book Elias Joseph Bickerman, "The edict of Cyrus in Ezra 1," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 249-275.
Article in Journal or Book Edwin Cornelius Broome, "Ezekiel’s abnormal personality," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 277-292.
Article in Journal or Book Naphtali H. Tur-Sinai (Shalom Spiegel, Translator), " SEMEL HA-QIN’AH HA-MAQNEH," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 293-302.
Article in Journal or Book Isaiah Sonne, "Genesis 49:25-26," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 303-306.
Article in Journal or Book John William Wevers, "Double readings in the books of Kings," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 307-310.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Zimmermann, "An examination of some biblical passages," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 311-314.
Article in Journal or Book Salomon Speier (Harry Meyer Orlinsky, Translator), "The Jerusalem Targum to Num 18:12 and Deut 34:3," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 315-318.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Katz, "KATAPAUSAI as a corruption of KATALYSAI in the LXX," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 319-324.
Article in Journal or Book Abraham Shalom Yahuda [1877-1951], "Calneh in Shinar," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1946): 325-327.
Article in Journal or Book Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "Trends in the textual criticism of the Iliad, the Mahbharata, and the New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.4 (Dec. 1946): 339-352.
Article in Journal or Book Merrill Mead Parvis, "The need for a new Apparatus Criticus to the Greek New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.4 (Dec. 1946): 353-369.
Article in Journal or Book William Henry Paine Hatch [1875-1972], "To what Syriac version or versions of the Gospels did Thomas of Harqel refer in his margin?" Journal of Biblical Literature 65.4 (Dec. 1946): 371-376.
Article in Journal or Book S. Vernon McCasland, "'Christ Jesus'," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.4 (Dec. 1946): 377-383.
Article in Journal or Book Hans Joachim Schoeps, "The sacrifice of Isaac in Paul’s theology," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.4 (Dec. 1946): 385-392.
Article in Journal or Book Luitpold Wallach, "A Jewish polemic against Gnosticism," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.4 (Dec. 1946): 393-396.
Article in Journal or Book William Foxwell Albright, "The names "Nazareth" and "Nazoraean"," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.4 (Dec. 1946): 397-401.
Article in Journal or Book J.W. Cohoon, "Two glosses on Goodspeed’s Problems of New Testament Translation," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.4 (Dec. 1946): 403-404.
Article in Journal or Book Edgar Johnson Goodspeed, "A reply: Edgar J. Goodspeed," Journal of Biblical Literature 65.4 (Dec. 1946): 405-406.

Volume 66 (1947)

Article in Journal or Book Leroy Waterman, "Biblical studies in a new setting," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.1 (March 1947): 1-14. David
Article in Journal or Book Keith Andrews, "The translation of Aramaic DI in the Greek Bibles," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.1 (March 1947): 15-51.
Article in Journal or Book Thedor Herzl Gaster [1906-1992], "An ancient eulogy on Israel: Deuteronomy 33:3-5, 26-29," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.1 (March 1947): 53-62.
Article in Journal or Book Steven T. Byington, "A mathematical approach to Hebrew meters," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.1 (March 1947): 63-77.
Article in Journal or Book J. Spencer Kennard, "Nazorean and Nazareth," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.1 (March 1947): 79-81.
Article in Journal or Book Abraham Shalom Yahuda [1877-1951], "Hebrew words of Egyptian origin," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.1 (March 1947): 83-90.
Article in Journal or Book Ernest Cadman Colwell, "Genealogical method: its achievements and its limitations," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.2 (June 1947): 109-133.
Article in Journal or Book Edward F. Hills, "Harmonizations in the Caesarean text of Mark," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.2 (June 1947): 135-152.
Article in Journal or Book Donald Fay Robinson, "The sources of Mark," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.2 (June 1947): 153-164.
Article in Journal or Book Kenneth Willis Clark, "The Gentile bias in Matthew," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.2 (June 1947): 165-172.
On-line Resource Robert McQueen Grant, "The Bible of Theophilus of Antioch," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.2 (June 1947): 173-196. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book Alice Philena Hubbard, "'The Bible of Vatable'," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.2 (June 1947): 197-209.
Article in Journal or Book Oscar Jacob Frank Seitz, "Antecedents and signification of the term DIPSYCHOS," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.2 (June 1947): 211-219.
Article in Journal or Book Charles Cutler Torrey, "The messiah son of Ephraim," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.3 (Sept. 1947): 253-277.
Article in Journal or Book Emil Gottlieb Heinrich Kraeling, "The earliest Hebrew flood story," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.3 (Sept. 1947): 279-293.
Article in Journal or Book Jacques Koppel Mikliszanski, "The law of retaliation and the Pentateuch," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.3 (Sept. 1947): 295-303.
Article in Journal or Book Sabatino Moscati, "The wind in biblical and Phoenician cosmogony," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.3 (Sept. 1947): 305-310.
Article in Journal or Book James Alan Montgomery, "A modern translation of the Hebrew Bible compared with ancient versions," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.3 (Sept. 1947): 311-314.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Reider, "Etymological studies: YD or YR and R," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.3 (Sept. 1947): 315-317.
Article in Journal or Book Leroy Waterman, "A note on Daniel 8:2," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.3 (Sept. 1947): 319-320.
Article in Journal or Book H. Neil Richardson, "A Ugaritic letter of a king to his mother," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.3 (Sept. 1947): 321-324.
Article in Journal or Book Kendrick Grobel, "The revision of the English New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.4 (Dec. 1947): 361-384.
Article in Journal or Book Morton Scott Enslin, "The artistry of Mark," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.4 (Dec. 1947): 385-399.
Article in Journal or Book Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "Recent Spanish contributions to the textual criticism of the New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.4 (Dec. 1947): 401-423.
Article in Journal or Book Chester Charlton McCown, "The density of population in ancient Palestine," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.4 (Dec. 1947): 425-436.
Article in Journal or Book Otto Alfred Piper, "I John and the Didache of the primitive church," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.4 (Dec. 1947): 437-451.
Article in Journal or Book Hans Joachim Schoeps, "Restitutio Principii as the basis for the Nova Lex Jesu," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.4 (Dec. 1947): 453-464.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Zimmermann, "The last words of Jesus," Journal of Biblical Literature 66.4 (Dec. 1947): 465-466.

Volume 67 (1948)

Article in Journal or Book Ernest Cadman Colwell, "Biblical criticism: lower and higher," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.1 (March 1948): 1-12.
Article in Journal or Book Alexander Mackie Honeyman [1907-1988], "The evidence for regnal names among the Hebrews," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.1 (March 1948): 13-25.
Article in Journal or Book William Stewart McCullough, "A re-examination of Isaiah 56-66," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.1 (March 1948): 27-36.
Article in Journal or Book Aage Bentzen, "The cultic use of the story of the ark in Samuel," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.1 (March 1948): 37-53.
Article in Journal or Book David Neiman, "PGR: a Canaanite cult-object in the Old Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.1 (March 1948): 55-60.
Article in Journal or Book Julius A. Bewer, "Two suggestions on Prov 30:31 and Zech 9:16," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.1 (March 1948): 61-62.
Article in Journal or Book Charles M. Cooper, "Theodotion’s influence on the Alexandrian text of Judges," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.1 (March 1948): 63-68.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Gordis [1908-1992], "The text and meaning of Deuteronomy 33:27," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.1 (March 1948): 69-72.
Article in Journal or Book Erwin Ramsdell Goodenough, "Wolfson’s Philo," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.2 (June 1948): 87-109.
Article in Journal or Book George Viviliers Jourdan, "KOINONIA in I Corinthians 10:16," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.2 (June 1948): 111-124.
Article in Journal or Book Floyd Vivian Filson, "How much of the New Testament is poetry?" Journal of Biblical Literature 67.2 (June 1948): 125-134.
Article in Journal or Book Allen Paul Wikgren, "The use of the versions in New Testament textual criticism," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.2 (June 1948): 135-142.
Article in Journal or Book S. MacLean Gilmour, "A critical re-examination of Proto-Luke," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.2 (June 1948): 143-152.
Article in Journal or Book Amos Berry Hulen, "The call of the four disciples in John 1," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.2 (June 1948): 153-157.
Article in Journal or Book Charles Milo Connick, "The dramatic character of the Fourth Gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.2 (June 1948): 159-169.
Article in Journal or Book J. Spencer Kennard, "‘Hosanna’ and the purpose of Jesus," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.2 (June 1948): 171-176.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Moore Cross & David Noel Freedman, "The blessing of Moses," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.3 (Sept. 1948): 191-210.
Article in Journal or Book Sheldon H.Blank, "The current misinterpretation of Isaiah’s SHEAR YASHUB," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.3 (Sept. 1948): 211-215.
Article in Journal or Book Harold Barnes Kuhn, "The angelology of the non-canonical Jewish apocalypses," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.3 (Sept. 1948): 217-232.
Article in Journal or Book Theophile James Meek, "Old Testament notes," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.3 (Sept. 1948): 233-239.
Article in Journal or Book Henry Snyder Gehman [1888-1981], "A note on I Samuel 21:13 (14)," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.3 (Sept. 1948): 241-243.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Reider, "DMSHQ in Amos 3:12," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.3 (Sept. 1948): 245-248.
Article in Journal or Book Jacob Leveen, "A note on Psalm 10:17-18," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.3 (Sept. 1948): 249-250.
Article in Journal or Book Theophilus Mills Taylor, "The place of origin of Romans," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 281-295.
On-line Resource Robert McQueen Grant, "The coming of the kingdom," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 297-303. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book Harris H. Hirschberg, "Once again--the MINIM," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 305-318.
Article in Journal or Book Burton Hamilton Throckmorton, "Did Mark know Q?" Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 319-329.
Article in Journal or Book Carl Umhau Wolf, "Concerning the vocabulary of Paul," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 331-338.
Article in Journal or Book Franklin Woodrow Young, "The relation of I Clement to the Epistle of James," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 339-345.
Article in Journal or Book Leon E. Wright, "Contextual adaptation in incomplete quotation," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 347-351.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Sevier Callaway, "Paul’s letter to the Galatians and Plato’s Lysis," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 353-355.
Article in Journal or Book Jacob Geerlings, "Is MS 826 the archetype of Fam. 13A?" Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 357-363.
Article in Journal or Book Claude Darwin Dicks, "The Matthean text of Chrysostom in his homilies on Matthew," Journal of Biblical Literature 67.4 (Dec. 1948): 365-376.

Volume 68 (1949)

Article in Journal or Book Julian Morgenstern, "The despoiling of the Egyptians," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.1 (March 1949): 1-28.
Article in Journal or Book Ralph Marcus, "On the textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.1 (March 1949): 29-34.
Article in Journal or Book Moshe H. Goshen-Gottstein, "Afterthought and the syntax of relative clauses in biblical Hebrew." Journal of Biblical Literature 68.1 (March 1949): 35-47.
Article in Journal or Book Steven T. Byington, "Plow and pick," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.1 (March 1949): 49-54.
Article in Journal or Book Wolf Leslau, "A parallel to the non-gemination of the Hebrew r," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.1 (March 1949): 55-56.
Article in Journal or Book Godfrey Rolles Driver [1892-1975], "Hebrew notes," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.1 (March 1949): 57-59.
Article in Journal or Book Floyd Vivian Filson, "Who was the beloved disciple," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.2 (June 1949): 83-88.
Article in Journal or Book Lyle O. Bristol, "Primitive Christian preaching and the Epistle to the Hebrews," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.2 (June 1949): 89-97.
Article in Journal or Book Selby Vernon McCasland, "Some New Testament metonyms for God," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.2 (June 1949): 99-113.
Article in Journal or Book Bernard Jacob Bamberger, "The dating of aggadic materials," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.2 (June 1949): 115-123.
Article in Journal or Book Kwang-won Kim, "The Matthean text of Origen in his Commentary on Matthew," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.2 (June 1949): 125-139.
Article in Journal or Book Edward F. Hills, "The inter-relationship of the Caesarean manuscripts," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.2 (June 1949): 141-159.
Article in Journal or Book Soomon A. Birnbaum [1891-1989], "The date of the Habakkuk Cave Scroll," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.2 (June 1949): 161-168.
Article in Journal or Book Millar Burrows, "Orthography, morphology, and syntax of the St Mark’s Isaiah Manuscript," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.3 (Sept. 1949): 195-211.
Article in Journal or Book Margaret Brackenbury Crook, "A suggested occasion for Isaiah 9:2-7 and 11:1-9," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.3 (Sept. 1949): 213-224.
Article in Journal or Book Helen G. Jefferson, "Notes on the authorship of Isaiah 65 and 66," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.3 (Sept. 1949): 225-230.
Article in Journal or Book Henry Snyder Gehman [1888-1981], "The theological approach of the Greek translator of Job 1-15," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.3 (Sept. 1949): 231-240.
Article in Journal or Book Isaiah Sonne, "Psalm eleven," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.3 (Sept. 1949): 241-245.
Article in Journal or Book Naphtali H. Tur-Sinai, "A psalm by the sons of Heman," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.3 (Sept. 1949): 247-249.
Article in Journal or Book J. Barton Payne, "The relationship of the Chester Beatty papyri of Ezekiel to Codex Vaticanus," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.3 (Sept. 1949): 251-265.
Article in Journal or Book Franklin W. Young, "Jesus the prophet: a re-examination," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 285-299.
Article in Journal or Book Julian Obermann, "The divine name YHWH in the light of recent discoveries," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 301-323.
Article in Journal or Book Charles Cutler Torrey, "The magic of "Lotapes"," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 325-327.
Article in Journal or Book Alfred M. Perry, "Translating the Greek article," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 329-334.
Article in Journal or Book Terence Y. Mullins, "Jewish wisdom literature in the New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 335-339.
Article in Journal or Book Lindsey P. Pherigo, "Paul and the Corinthian church," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 341-350.
Article in Journal or Book Charles H. Buck, "The early order of the Pauline corpus," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 351-357.
Article in Journal or Book Georg Maldfeld & Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "Detailed list of the Greek papyri of the New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 359-370.
Article in Journal or Book Harold Louis Ginsberg, "In re: my Studies in Daniel," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 402-407.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Gordis [1908-1992], "Additional note on Deut 33:27," Journal of Biblical Literature 68.4 (Dec. 1949): 407-408.

Volume 69 (1950)

Article in Journal or Book Floyd Vivian Filson, "Method in studying biblical history," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.1 (March 1950): 1-18.
Article in Journal or Book S.M. Stern, "Notes on the new manuscript find," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.1 (March 1950): 19-30.
Article in Journal or Book Isaac Rabinowitz, "The second and third columns of the Habakkuk interpretation-scroll," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.1 (March 1950): 31-49.
Article in Journal or Book Harold Louis Ginsberg, "Some emendations in Isaiah," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.1 (March 1950): 51-60.
Article in Journal or Book Jack Finegan, "The chronology of Ezekiel," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.1 (March 1950): 61-66.
Article in Journal or Book Selby Vernon McCasland, "The image of God" according to Paul," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.2 (June 1950): 85-100.
Article in Journal or Book Lyle O. Bristol, "New Testament textual criticism in the eighteenth century," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.2 (June 1950): 101-112.
Article in Journal or Book Amos Niven Wilder, "Mythology and the New Testament: a review of Kerygma und Mythos," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.2 (June 1950): 113-127.
Article in Journal or Book Harold R. Willoughby, "Representational biblical cycles: Antiochian and Constantinopolitan," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.2 (June 1950): 129-136.
Article in Journal or Book David Daube, "Jesus and the Samaritan woman: the meaning of synchraomai," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.2 (June 1950): 137-147.
Article in Journal or Book Kwang-won Kim, "Codices 1582, 1739, and Origen," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.2 (June 1950): 167-175.
Article in Journal or Book Chester Charlton McCown, "Hebrew high places and cult remains," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.3 (Sept. 1950): 205-219.
Article in Journal or Book Julian Morgenstern, "Psalm 11," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.3 (Sept. 1950): 221-231.
Article in Journal or Book Charles M. Cooper, "Jerome’s "Hebrew Psalter" and the new Latin version," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.3 (Sept. 1950): 233-244.
Article in Journal or Book Elias Joseph Bickerman, "The date of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.3 (Sept. 1950): 245-260.
On-line Resource Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "Tatian’s Diatessaron and a Persian harmony of the Gospels," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.3 (Sept. 1950): 261-280. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line Resource Robert McQueen Grant, "The origin of the Fourth Gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 305-322.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book Eric L. Titus, "The identity of the beloved disciple," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 323-328.
Article in Journal or Book Oscar Jacob Frank Seitz, "Upon this rock: a critical re-examination of Matt 16:17-19," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 329-340.
Article in Journal or Book Donald T. Rowlingson, "The geographical orientation of Paul’s missionary interests," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 341-344.
Article in Journal or Book Edward F. Hills, "A new approach to the Old Egyptian text," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 345-362.
Article in Journal or Book Ralph Marcus, "A textual-exegetical note on Philo’s Bible," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 363-365.
Article in Journal or Book William H. Brownlee, "Exorcising the souls from Ezekiel 13:17-23," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 367-373.
Article in Journal or Book John B. Alexander, "New light on the fiery furnace," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 375-376.
Article in Journal or Book E.A. Speiser, "An analogue to 2 Sam 1:21: ‘Aqht 1,44-45," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 377-378.
Article in Journal or Book Leroy Waterman, "Note on Job 19:23-27: Job’s triumph of faith," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 379-380.
Article in Journal or Book Thedor Herzl Gaster [1906-1992], "Esther 1:22," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 381.
Article in Journal or Book Edgar J. Goodspeed, "Gaius Titius Justus," Journal of Biblical Literature 69.4 (Dec. 1950): 382-383.

Volume 70 (1951)

Article in Journal or Book Robert Henry Pfeiffer, "Facts and faith in biblical history," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.1 (March 1951): 1-14.
Article in Journal or Book John Bright, "The date of the prose sermons of Jeremiah," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.1 (March 1951): 15-35.
Article in Journal or Book Isaiah Sonne, "Final verdict on the Scrolls," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.1 (March 1951): 37-44.
Article in Journal or Book Julius R. Mantey, "The causal use of eis in the New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.1 (March 1951): 45-48.
Article in Journal or Book Kendrick Grobel, "Bultmann’s problem of NT "mythology"," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.2 (June 1951): 99-103.
Article in Journal or Book Guy M. Davis, "The humanity of Jesus in John," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.2 (June 1951): 105-112.
Article in Journal or Book Charles H. Buck, "The date of Galatians," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.2 (June 1951): 113-122.
Article in Journal or Book Arthur Vööbus, "A critical apparatus for the Vetus Syra," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.2 (June 1951): 123-128.
Article in Journal or Book Ralph Marcus, "On causal eis," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.2 (June 1951): 129-130.
Article in Journal or Book Moses H. Segal, "The Habakkuk "Commentary" and the Damascus Fragments (a historical study)," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.2 (June 1951): 131-147.
Article in Journal or Book Kurt Galling, "The "gola-list" according to Ezra 2 and Nehemiah 7," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.2 (June 1951): 149-158.
Article in Journal or Book Yehezkel Kaufmann, "The Bible and mythological polytheism," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.3 (Sept. 1951): 179-197.
Article in Journal or Book Julian Obermann, "Survival of an Old Canaanite participle and its impact on biblical exegesis," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.3 (Sept. 1951): 199-209.
Article in Journal or Book John William Wevers, "Evidence of the text of the John H Scheide papyri for the translation of the status constructus in Ezekiel," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.3 (Sept. 1951): 211-216.
Article in Journal or Book John W. Bailey, "The usage in the post-restoration period of terms descriptive of the priest and high priest," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.3 (Sept. 1951): 217-225.
Article in Journal or Book Solomon A. Birnbaum [1891-1989], "Notes on the internal and archaeological evidence concerning the Cave Scrolls," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.3 (Sept. 1951): 227-232.
Article in Journal or Book Carl F. Andry, "Barnabae Epist Ver DCCCL," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.3 (Sept. 1951): 233-238.
Article in Journal or Book Bo Ivar Reicke, "The law and this world according to Paul: some thoughts concerning Gal 4:1-11," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.4 (Dec. 1951): 259-276.
Article in Journal or Book Lindsey P. Pherigo, "Paul’s life after the close of Acts," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.4 (Dec. 1951): 277-284.
Article in Journal or Book Edgar J. Goodspeed, "Ephesians and the first edition of Paul," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.4 (Dec. 1951): 285-291.
Article in Journal or Book Panagiotes K. Christou, "Isopsychos, Phil 2:20,2 Journal of Biblical Literature 70.4 (Dec. 1951): 293-296.
On-line Resource Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "The formulas introducing quotations of Scripture in the NT and the Mishnah," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.4 (Dec. 1951): 297-307. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of the copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book Margaret Brackenbury Crook, "The promise in Micah 5," Journal of Biblical Literature 70.4 (Dec. 1951): 313-320.

Volume 71 (1952)

Article in Journal or Book Erwin Ramsdell Goodenough, "The inspiration of New Testament research," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.1 (March 1952): 1-9.
Article in Journal or Book Alexander Mackie Honeyman [1907-1988], "Merismus" in biblical Hebrew," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.1 (March 1952): 11-18.
Article in Journal or Book Isaac Rabinowitz, "The authorship, audience and date of the De Vaux fragment of an unknown work," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.1 (March 1952): 19-32.
Article in Journal or Book Arvid S. Kapelrud, "God as destroyer in the preaching of Amos and in the ancient Near East," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.1 (March 1952): 33-38.
Article in Journal or Book Charles Cutler Torrey, "A Hebrew fragment of Jubilees," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.1 (March 1952): 39-41.
Article in Journal or Book Ralph Marcus, "The elusive causal eis," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.1 (March 1952): 43-44.
Article in Journal or Book Donald T. Rowlingson, "The Jerusalem conference and Jesus’ Nazareth visit: a study in Pauline chronology," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.2 (June 1952): 69-74.
Article in Journal or Book Lucetta Mowry, "Revelation 4-5 and early Christian liturgical usage," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.2 (June 1952): 75-84.
Article in Journal or Book Ernest W. Saunders, "Studies in doctrinal influences on the Byzantine text of the Gospels," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.2 (June 1952): 85-92.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Gordis [1908-1992], "Koheleth: Hebrew or Aramaic?" Journal of Biblical Literature 71.2 (June 1952): 93-109.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Zimmermann, "Reconstructions in Judges 7:25-8:25," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.2 (June 1952): 111-114.
Article in Journal or Book Morton Smith, "The common theology of the ancient Near East," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.3 (Sept. 1952): 135-147.
Article in Journal or Book Sheldon H.Blank, "And all our virtues": an interpretation of Isaiah 64:4b-5a," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.3 (Sept. 1952): 149-154.
Article in Journal or Book Helen G. Jefferson, "Psalm 93," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.3 (Sept. 1952): 155-160.
Article in Journal or Book Samuel Iwry, "Notes on Psalm 68," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.3 (Sept. 1952): 161-165.
Article in Journal or Book Leroy Waterman, "Note on Job 28:4," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.3 (Sept. 1952): 167-170.
Article in Journal or Book Cecil Roth, "Ecclesiasticus in the synagogue service," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.3 (Sept. 1952): 171-178.
Article in Journal or Book Ragnar Leivestad, "An interpretation of Matt 11:19," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.3 (Sept. 1952): 179-181.
Article in Journal or Book Saul Lieberman, "The discipline in the so-called Dead Sea Manual of Discipline," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.4 (Dec. 1952): 199-206.
Article in Journal or Book Ralph Marcus, "Philo, Josephus and the Dead Sea yahad," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.4 (Dec. 1952): 207-209.
Article in Journal or Book Warren M. Smaltz, "Did Peter die in Jerusalem," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.4 (Dec. 1952): 211-216.
Article in Journal or Book Chalmer E. Faw, "On the writing of First Thessalonians," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.4 (Dec. 1952): 217-225.
Article in Journal or Book Raymond Rush Brewer, "Revelation 4:6 and translations thereof," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.4 (Dec. 1952): 227-231.
Article in Journal or Book William H. Rossell, "New Testament adoption - Graeco-Roman or Semitic," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.4 (Dec. 1952): 233-234.
Article in Journal or Book Marvin Pope, "Isaiah 34 in relation to Isaiah 35,40-66," Journal of Biblical Literature 71.4 (Dec. 1952): 235-243.

Volume 72 (1953)

Article in Journal or Book Sheldon H. Blank, "Men against God: the Promethean element in biblical prayer," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.1 (March 1953): 1-13.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Moore Cross & David Noel Freedman, "A royal song of thanksgiving: 2 Sam 22 " Ps 18a," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.1 (March 1953): 15-34.
Article in Journal or Book Moses H. Segal, "The promulgation of the authoritative text of the Hebrew Bible," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.1 (March 1953): 35-47.
Article in Journal or Book Merrill F. Unger, "Some comments on the text of Genesis 15:2,3," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.1 (March 1953): 49-50.
Article in Journal or Book J. Barton Payne, "The Sahidic Coptic text of 1 Samuel," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.1 (March 1953): 51-62.
Article in Journal or Book Selby Vernon McCasland, "'Abba, Father'," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.2 (June 1953): 79-91.
Article in Journal or Book Paul Sevier Minear, "The wounded beast," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.2 (June 1953): 93-101.
Article in Journal or Book John L. Cheek, "New Testament translation in America," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.2 (June 1953): 103-114.
Article in Journal or Book Allen Paul Wikgren, "Additional Armenian New Testament manuscripts in the Kurdian collection," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.2 (June 1953): 115-126.
Article in Journal or Book M.B. Dagut, "2 Maccabees and the death of Antiochus IV Epiphanes," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.3 (Sept. 1953): 149-157.
Article in Journal or Book Julius A. Bewer, "Textual and exegetical notes on the Book of Ezekiel," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.3 (Sept. 1953): 158-168.
Article in Journal or Book Charles T. Fritsch, "The treatment of the Hexaplaric signs in the Syro-Hexaplar of Proverbs," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.3 (Sept. 1953): 169-181.
Article in Journal or Book Donald H. Gard, "The concept of Job’s character according to the Greek translator of the Hebrew text," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.3 (Sept. 1953): 182-186.
Article in Journal or Book John Knox, "Pliny and 1 Peter: a note on 1 Pet 4:14-16 and 3:15," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.3 (Sept. 1953): 187-189.
Article in Journal or Book Dale Moody, "God’s only Son: the translation of John 3:16 in the Revised Standard Version," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.4 (Dec. 1953): 213-219.
Article in Journal or Book Walter Bauer, "The "colt" of Palm Sunday (der Palmesel) [Mk 11:2,4,5,7]," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.4 (Dec. 1953): 220-229.
Article in Journal or Book Kenneth L. Carroll, "The expansion of the Pauline corpus," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.4 (Dec. 1953): 230-237.
Article in Journal or Book David G. Bradley, "The topos as a form in the Pauline paraenesis," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.4 (Dec. 1953): 238-246.
Article in Journal or Book William S. McCullough, "Some suggestions about Amos," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.4 (Dec. 1953): 247-254.
Article in Journal or Book "Library of Congress checklists," Journal of Biblical Literature 72.4 (Dec. 1953): 275-276.

Volume 73 (1954)

Article in Journal or Book Selby Vernon McCasland, "The unity of the Scriptures," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.1 (March 1954): 1-10.
Article in Journal or Book Isaac Rabinowitz, "A reconsideration of "Damascus" and "390 years" in the "Damascus" ("Zadokite") fragments," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.1 (March 1954): 11-35.
Article in Journal or Book William L. Reed, "Some implications of hen for Old Testament religion," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.1 (March 1954): 36-41.
Article in Journal or Book Morton Scott Enslin, "The interpretation of the Fourth Gospel, by C H Dodd," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.1 (March 1954): 45-48.
Article in Journal or Book Millar Burrows, "Petrus, by Oscar Cullmann," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.1 (March 1954): 48-50.
Article in Journal or Book Charles Goodwin, "How did John treat his sources," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.2 (June 1954): 61-75.
Article in Journal or Book Raymond Rush Brewer, "The meaning of politeuesthe in Philippians 1:27," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.2 (June 1954): 76-83.
Article in Journal or Book Edgar J. Goodspeed, "Some Greek notes," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.2 (June 1954): 84-92.
Article in Journal or Book Charles Cutler Torrey, "Proverbs, chapter 30," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.2 (June 1954): 93-96.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Zimmermann, "Some textual studies in Genesis," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.2 (June 1954): 97-101.
Article in Journal or Book Godfrey Rolles Driver [1892-1975], "Reflections on recent articles," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.3 (Sept. 1954): 125-136.
Article in Journal or Book Donald H. Gard, "The concept of the future life according to the Greek translator of the Book of Job," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.3 (Sept. 1954): 137-143.
Article in Journal or Book Margaret Brackenbury Crook, "Did Amos and Micah know Isaiah 9:2-7 and 11:1-9," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.3 (Sept. 1954): 144-151.
Article in Journal or Book Helen G. Jefferson, "Is Psalm 110 Canaanite," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.3 (Sept. 1954): 152-156.
Article in Journal or Book Ralph Marcus, "Pharisees, Essenes, and gnostics," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.3 (Sept. 1954): 157-161.
Article in Journal or Book Harold S. Murphy, "Eusebius’ NT text in the Demonstratio evangelica," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.3 (Sept. 1954): 162-168.
Article in Journal or Book Felix W. Gingrich, "The Greek New Testament as a landmark in the course of semantic change," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.4 (Dec. 1954): 189-196.
Article in Journal or Book Paul E. Davies, "Mark’s witness to Jesus," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.4 (Dec. 1954): 197-202.
Article in Journal or Book Franz Landsberger, "Poetic units within the Song of Songs," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.4 (Dec. 1954): 203-216.
Article in Journal or Book Giuliano Bonfante & Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "The Old Slavic version of the Gospel according to Luke," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.4 (Dec. 1954): 217-236.
Article in Journal or Book Jacob J. Rabinowitz, "A note on Isaiah 46:4," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.4 (Dec. 1954): 237.
Article in Journal or Book Thedor Herzl Gaster [1906-1992], "Psalm 42:8," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.4 (Dec. 1954): 237-238.
Article in Journal or Book Lawrence N. Manross, "Bêth Essentiae," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.4 (Dec. 1954): 238-239.
Article in Journal or Book Walther Eichrodt, "God who acts, biblical theology as recital, by G Ernest Wright," Journal of Biblical Literature 73.4 (Dec. 1954): 240-242.

Volume 74 (1955)

Article in Journal or Book Millar Burrows, "Thy kingdom come," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.1 (March 1955): 1-8
Article in Journal or Book Herbert Gordon May, "Some cosmic connotations of mayim rabbim, "many waters"," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.1 (March 1955): 9-21.
Article in Journal or Book John L. McKenzie, "Knowledge of God in Hosea," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.1 (March 1955): 22-27.
Article in Journal or Book Hillel A. Fine, "Tradition of a patient Job," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.1 (March 1955): 28-32.
Article in Journal or Book Leon J. Liebreich, "The Songs of Ascents and the priestly blessing," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.1 (March 1955): 33-36.
Article in Journal or Book Sherman E. Johnson, "King parables in the Synoptic Gospels," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.1 (March 1955): 37-39.
Article in Journal or Book Yigael Yadin, "Note on DSD 4:20," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.1 (March 1955): 40-43.
Article in Journal or Book Harold R. Willoughby, "Distinctive sources of Palestinian pilgrimage iconography," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.2 (June 1955): 61-68.
Article in Journal or Book Roy A. Harrisville, "Concept of newness in the New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.2 (June 1955): 69-79.

Article in Journal or Book

Thomas H. Campbell, "Paul’s "missionary journeys" as reflected in his letters," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.2 (June 1955): 80-87.
Article in Journal or Book Edgar Leonard Allen, "Jewish Christian church in the Fourth Gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.2 (June 1955): 88-92.
Article in Journal or Book Harold Louis Ginsberg, "Original Hebrew of Ben Sira 12:10-14," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.2 (June 1955): 93-95.
Article in Journal or Book A.P. Salom, "Some aspects of the grammatical style of I John," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.2 (June 1955): 96-102.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Gordis [1908-1992], "Was Koheleth a Phoenician," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.2 (June 1955): 103-114.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph M. Baumgarten & Menahem Mansoor, "Studies in the new Hodayot (Thanksgiving hymns)," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.2 (June 1955): 115-124.
Article in Journal or Book James Leon Kelso, "Archeology of Qumran," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.3 (Sept. 1955): 141-146.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Moore Cross, "Oldest manuscripts from Qumran," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.3 (Sept. 1955): 147-172.
Article in Journal or Book Charles T. Fritsch, "Herod the Great and the Qumran Community," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.3 (Sept. 1955): 173-181.
Article in Journal or Book Patrick William Skehan, "Exodus in the Samaritan recension from Qumran," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.3 (Sept. 1955): 182-187.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph M. Baumgarten & Menahem Mansoor, "Studies in the new Hodayot (Thanksgiving hymns)," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.3 (Sept. 1955): 188-195.
Article in Journal or Book Oscar Cullmann, "Significance of the Qumran texts for research into the beginnings of Christianity," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.4 (Dec. 1955): 213-226.
Article in Journal or Book J. Spencer Kennard, "Burial of Jesus," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.4 (Dec. 1955): 227-238.
Article in Journal or Book Thedor Herzl Gaster [1906-1992], "Psalm 45," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.4 (Dec. 1955): 239-251.
Article in Journal or Book E.A. Speiser, "'I know not the day of my death'," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.4 (Dec. 1955): 252-256.
Article in Journal or Book Pierson Parker, "'Bethany beyond Jordan'." Journal of Biblical Literature 74.4 (Dec. 1955): 257-261.
Article in Journal or Book Hollis W. Huston, "Mark 6 and 11 in P45 and in the Caesarean text," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.4 (Dec. 1955): 262-271.
Article in Journal or Book Ralph Marcus, "Tree of life" in Essene tradition," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.4 (Dec. 1955): 272.
Article in Journal or Book Nahum M. Sarna, "‘Ytnym, Job 12:19," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.4 (Dec. 1955): 272-273.
Article in Journal or Book David Noel Freedman, "Pshty in Hosea 2:7," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.4 (Dec. 1955): 275.

Volume 75 (1956)

Article in Journal or Book Amos Niven Wilder, "Scholars, theologians, and ancient rhetoric," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.1 (March 1956): 1-11.
Article in Journal or Book Chester Charlton McCown, "Current plight of biblical scholarship," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.1 (March 1956): 12-18.
Article in Journal or Book Morton Scott Enslin, "'Twixt the dusk and the daylight'," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.1 (March 1956): 19-26.
Article in Journal or Book Stanley Rypins, "Two inedited leaves of Codex N," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.1 (March 1956): 27-39.
Article in Journal or Book Massey Hamilton Shepherd, "Epistle of James and the Gospel of Matthew," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.1 (March 1956): 40-51.
Article in Journal or Book Francesco Lo Bue, "Historical background of the Epistle to the Hebrews," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.1 (March 1956): 52-57.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph M Baumgarten & Menahem Mansoor, "Studies in the new Hodayot (Thanksgiving hymns)," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 107-113.
Article in Journal or Book George Wesley Buchanan, "Old Testament meaning of the knowledge of good and evil," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 114-120.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Moore Cross, "Qumran cave I," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 121-125.
Article in Journal or Book Ephraim Avigdor Speiser, "YDWN, Genesis 6:3," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 126-129.
Article in Journal or Book Robert W. Funk, "Enigma of the famine visit," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 130-136.
Article in Journal or Book M. Jack Suggs, "Eusebius' text of John in the Writings against Marcellus," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 137-142.
Article in Journal or Book Alfred Guillaume [1988-1966], "Meaning of twll in Psalm 137:3," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 143-144.
Article in Journal or Book Arthur Soffer, "'The House of God/Lord' in the Septuagint of the Pentateuch," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 144-145.
Article in Journal or Book John M. Allegro, "Further light on the history of the Qumran Sect," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 89-95.
Article in Journal or Book Lou H. Silberman, "Language and structure in the Hodayot (1QH3)," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.2 (June 1956): 96-106.
Article in Journal or Book William Foxwell Albright, "Albrecht Alt," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.3 (Sept. 1956): 169-173.
Article in Journal or Book John M. Allegro, "Further messianic references in Qumran literature," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.3 (Sept. 1956): 174-187.
Article in Journal or Book Harold Henry Rowley [1890-1969], "4QpNahum and the Teacher of Righteousness," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.3 (Sept. 1956): 188-193.
Article in Journal or Book James Muilenburg, "Birth of Benjamin," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.3 (Sept. 1956): 194-201.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Moore Cross & George Ernest, "Boundary and province lists of the Kingdom of Judah," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.3 (Sept. 1956): 202-226.
Article in Journal or Book Floyd Vivian Filson, "Broken patterns in the Gospel of Matthew," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.3 (Sept. 1956): 227-231.
Article in Journal or Book Paul W. Meyer, "Note on John 10:1-18," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.3 (Sept. 1956): 232-235.
Article in Journal or Book Sigmund Olaf Plytt Mowinckel, "Some remarks on Hodayot 39:5-20," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.4 (Dec. 1956): 265-276.
Article in Journal or Book James Philip Hyatt, "New light on Nebuchadnezzar and Judean history," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.4 (Dec. 1956): 277-284.
Article in Journal or Book Julian Obermann, "Calendaric elements in the Dead Sea Scrolls," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.4 (Dec. 1956): 285-297.
Article in Journal or Book Ralph Marcus, "Mebaqqer and rabbim in the Manual of Discipline 6:11-13," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.4 (Dec. 1956): 298-302.
Article in Journal or Book Pierson Parker, "Two editions of John," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.4 (Dec. 1956): 303-314.
Article in Journal or Book Samuel Rosenblatt, "Crucifixion of Jesus from the standpoint of Pharisaic law," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.4 (Dec. 1956): 315-321.
Article in Journal or Book John A. McKenzie, "Mythological allusions in Ezekiel 28:12-18," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.4 (Dec. 1956): 322-327.
Article in Journal or Book Jacob J. Finkelstein, "Hebrew chbr and Semitic hbr," Journal of Biblical Literature 75.4 (Dec. 1956): 328-331.

Volume 76 (1957)

Article in Journal or Book James Philip Hyatt, "The Dead Sea discoveries: retrospect and challenge," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 1-12.
Article in Journal or Book Nahum M. Sarna, "Epic substratum in the prose of Job," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 13-25.
Article in Journal or Book M. Jack Suggs, "Wisdom of Solomon 2:10 - 5: a homily based on the fourth Servant song," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 26-33.
Article in Journal or Book Moshe Greenberg, "The Hebrew oath particle chay/che," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 34-39.
Article in Journal or Book Alfred Guillaume [1988-1966], "Some readings in the Dead Sea Scroll of Isaiah," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 40-43.
Article in Journal or Book Preben Wernberg-Möller, "Pronouns and suffixes in the Scrolls and the Masoretic Text," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 44-49.
Article in Journal or Book Eugene Arden, "How Moses failed God," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 50-52.
Article in Journal or Book E. Earle Ellis, "Note on 1 Corinthians 10:4," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 53-56.
Article in Journal or Book Norman Walker, "Concerning the 390 years and the 20 years of the Damascus Document," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 57-58.
Article in Journal or Book Steven T. Byington, "Dny and yhwh," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.1 (March 1957: 58-59.
Article in Journal or Book H. Neil Richardson, "Some notes on 1QSa," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.2 (June 1957): 108-122.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Gordis [1908-1992], "The knowledge of good and evil in the Old Testament and the Qumran Scrolls," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.2 (June 1957): 123-138.
Article in Journal or Book Menahem Mansoor, "Studies in the Hodayot IV," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.2 (June 1957): 139-148.
Article in Journal or Book Selby Vernon McCasland, "Signs and wonders," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.2 (June 1957): 149-152.
Article in Journal or Book Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "The "lost" sections of II Esdras (" IV Ezra)," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.2 (June 1957): 153-156.
Article in Journal or Book William R. Baird, "What is the kerygma: a study of 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 and Galatians 1:11-17," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.3 (Sept. 1957): 181-191.
On-line Resource George E. Ladd, "Why not prophetic-apocalyptic," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.3 (Sept. 1957): 192-200. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book J. Arthur Baird, "A pragmatic approach to parable exegesis: some new evidence on Mark 4:11,33-34," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.3 (Sept. 1957): 201-207.
Article in Journal or Book Jacob J. Enz, "The Book of Exodus as a literary type for the Gospel of John," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.3 (Sept. 1957): 208-215.
Article in Journal or Book Anne E. Draffkorn, "Ilani/Elohim," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.3 (Sept. 1957): 216-224.
Article in Journal or Book Samuel Iwry, "Massebah and Bamah in 1Q Isaiaha 6:13," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.3 (Sept. 1957): 225-232.
Article in Journal or Book Harold H. Oliver, "A textual transposition in Codex C (Ephraemi Syri rescriptus)," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.3 (Sept. 1957): 233-236.
On-line Resource J. Harold Greenlee, "A corrected collation of Codex Zacynthius (Cod 040)," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.3 (Sept. 1957): 237-241. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book Sigmund Olaf Plytt Mowinckel, "The Copper Scroll - an apocryphon," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.4 (Dec. 1957): 261-265.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph M. Baumgarten, "On the testimony of women in 1QSa," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.4 (Dec. 1957): 266-269.
Article in Journal or Book James M. Robinson, "A formal analysis of Colossians 1:15-20," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.4 (Dec. 1957): 270-287.
Article in Journal or Book Edward Y. Kutscher, "Dating the language of the Genesis Apocryphon," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.4 (Dec. 1957): 288-292.
Article in Journal or Book Jakob Josef Petuchowski, "‘Do this in remembrance of me’ (1 Cor 11:24)," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.4 (Dec. 1957): 293-298.
Article in Journal or Book Terence Y. Mullins, "Paul’s thorn in the flesh," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.4 (Dec. 1957): 299-303.
Article in Journal or Book Moshe Greenberg, "Ezekiel 17 and the policy of Psammetichus II," Journal of Biblical Literature 76.4 (Dec. 1957): 304-309.

Volume 77 (1958)

Article in Journal or Book Sherman E. Johnson, "Early Christianity in Asia Minor," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.1 (March 1958): 1-17.
Article in Journal or Book James Muilenburg, "Preface to hermeneutics," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.1 (March 1958): 18-26.
Article in Journal or Book John Coert Rylaarsdam, "The problem of faith and history in biblical interpretation," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.1 (March 1958): 26-32.
Article in Journal or Book Krister Stendahl, "Implications of form-criticism and tradition-criticism for biblical interpretation," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.1 (March 1958): 33-38.
Article in Journal or Book George Ernest Wright, "Archeology and Old Testament studies," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.1 (March 1958): 39-51.
Article in Journal or Book George E. Mendenhall, "The census lists of Numbers 1 and 26," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.1 (March 1958): 52-66.
Article in Journal or Book Alfred E. Haefner, "The bridge between Mark and Acts," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.1 (March 1958): 67-71.
Article in Journal or Book Edwin M. Good, "Two notes on Aqhat," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.1 (March 1958): 72-74.
Article in Journal or Book Solomon Zeitlin, "Dating the Genesis Apocryphon," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.1 (March 1958): 75-76.
Article in Journal or Book Moshe Greenberg, "On Ezekiel’s dumbness," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.2 (June 1958): 101-105.
Article in Journal or Book John Strugnell, "Flavius Josephus and the Essenes: Antiquities 18:18-22," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.2 (June 1958): 106-115.
Article in Journal or Book James A. Walther, "The chronology of Passion Week," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.2 (June 1958): 116-122.
Article in Journal or Book Paul L. Garber, "Reconsidering the reconstruction of Solomon’s Temple," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.2 (June 1958): 123-129.
Article in Journal or Book William Foxwell Albright & George Ernest Wright, "Comments on Professor Garber’s article," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.2 (June 1958): 129-132.
Article in Journal or Book Donald C. Swanson, "Diminutives in the Greek New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.2 (June 1958): 134-151.
Article in Journal or Book Harold Louis Ginsberg, "The arm of YHWH in Isaiah 51-63 and the text of Isa 53:10-11," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.2 (June 1958): 152-156.
Article in Journal or Book C.G. Tuland, "Hanani - Hananiah," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.2 (June 1958): 157-161.
Article in Journal or Book David Noel Freedman, "Jonah 1:4b," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.2 (June 1958): 161-162.
Article in Journal or Book John L. McKenzie, "Problems of hermeneutics in Roman Catholic exegesis," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.3 (Sept. 1958): 197-204.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Balgarnie Young Scott [1899-1987], "The Hebrew cubit," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.3 (Sept. 1958): 205-214.
Article in Journal or Book John M. Allegro, "More Isaiah commentaries from Qumran’s fourth cave," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.3 (Sept. 1958): 215-221.
Article in Journal or Book Selby Vernon McCasland, "‘The Way’," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.3 (Sept. 1958): 222-230.
Article in Journal or Book Frederick W. Danker, "Luke 16:16: an opposition logion," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.3 (Sept. 1958): 231-243.
Article in Journal or Book William Foxwell Albright, "Bultmann’s history and eschatology," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.3 (Sept. 1958): 244-248.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph M. Baumgarten, "Qumran studies," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.3 (Sept. 1958): 249-257.
Article in Journal or Book Siegfried Mendner, "Nikodemus," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.4 (Dec. 1958): 293-323.
Article in Journal or Book William W. Hallo, "Isaiah 28:9-13 and the Ugaritic abecedaries," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.4 (Dec. 1958): 324-338.
Article in Journal or Book John H.P. Reumann, "Stewards of God": pre-Christian religious application of oikonomos in Greek," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.4 (Dec. 1958): 339-349.
Article in Journal or Book John M. Allegro, "Fragments of a Qumran scroll of eschatological midrasîm," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.4 (Dec. 1958): 350-354.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph M. Baumgarten, "the beginning of the day in the calendar of Jubilees," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.4 (Dec. 1958): 355-360.
Article in Journal or Book Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "On the citation of variant readings of Matt 1:16," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.4 (Dec. 1958): 361-363.
On-line Resource J. Harold Greenlee, "Some examples of scholarly "agreement in error"," Journal of Biblical Literature 77.4 (Dec. 1958): 363-364.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]

Volume 78 (1959)

Article in Journal or Book William Andrew Irwin, "A still small voice said, "What are you doing here"," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.1 (March 1959): 1-12.
Article in Journal or Book Bruce M. Metzger [1914-2007], "[Reply, B H Throckmorton, 78,162-163 1959]," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.1 (March 1959): 13-20.
Article in Journal or Book Patrick William Skehan, "Qumran and the present state of Old Testament text studies: the Masoretic Text," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.1 (March 1959): 21-25.
Article in Journal or Book Harry Meyer Orlinsky, "Qumran and the present state of Old Testament text studies: the Septuagint text," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.1 (March 1959): 26-33.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Ziegler, "Die Vorlage der Isaias-Septuaginta, 70, und die erste Isaias-Rolle von Qumran, 1QIsa," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.1 (March 1959): 34-59.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph A. Fitzmyer, "Aramaic Qorban inscription from Jebel Hallet et-Tûri and Mark 7:11, Matt 15:5," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.1 (March 1959): 60-65.
Article in Journal or Book Morton Smith, "What is implied by the variety of messianic figures," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.1 (March 1959): 66-72.
Article in Journal or Book Theophile James Meek, "I Kings 20:1-10," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.1 (March 1959): 73-75.
Article in Journal or Book Nels F.S. Ferré, "Notes by a theologian on biblical hermeneutics," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 105-114.
Article in Journal or Book Otto Alfred Piper, "Origin of the gospel pattern," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 115-124.
Article in Journal or Book Moshe Greenberg, "The biblical conception of asylum," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 125-132.
Article in Journal or Book James Albertson, "Application of mathematical probability to manuscript discoveries," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 133-141.
Article in Journal or Book John M. Allegro, "Recently discovered fragment of a commentary on Hosea from Qumran’s fourth cave," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 142-147.
Article in Journal or Book Howard M. Teeple & F. Allyn Walker, "Notes on the plates in Papyrus Bodmer II," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 148-152.
Article in Journal or Book Solomon Zeitlin, "Beginning of the day in the calendar of Jubilees," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 153-156.
Article in Journal or Book Lou H. Silberman, "A note on 4Q Florilegium," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 158-159.
Article in Journal or Book F. Charles Fensham, "New light on Ex 21:6 and 22:7 from the Laws of Eshnunna," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 160-161.
Article in Journal or Book Burton Hamilton Throckmorton, "A reply to Professor Metzger," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.2 (June 1959): 162-163.
Article in Journal or Book Brevard S. Childs, "Enemy from the north and the chaos tradition," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.3 (Sept. 1959): 187-198.
Article in Journal or Book Matitiahu Tsevat, "Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian vassal oaths and the prophet Ezekiel," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.3 (Sept. 1959): 199-204.
Article in Journal or Book Robert W. Funk, "The wilderness," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.3 (Sept. 1959): 205-214.
Article in Journal or Book John P. Brown, "Early revision of the Gospel of Mark," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.3 (Sept. 1959): 215-227.
Article in Journal or Book Harold S. Murphy, "On the text of codices H [Coislinianus] and 93 [with collation]," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.3 (Sept. 1959): 228-237.
Article in Journal or Book Yigael Yadin, "A crucial passage in the Dead Sea Scrolls: 1QSa 2:11-17," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.3 (Sept. 1959): 238-241.
Article in Journal or Book James M. Robinson, "Recent research in the Fourth Gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.3 (Sept. 1959): 242-252.
Article in Journal or Book Herbert B. Huffmon, "Covenant lawsuit in the Prophets," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 285-295.
Article in Journal or Book Charles E. Carlston, "Eschatology and repentance in the Epistle to the Hebrews," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 296-302.
Article in Journal or Book Mitchell Joseph Dahood, "Root zb II in Job," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 303-309.
Article in Journal or Book Nahum M. Sarna, "Interchange of the prepositions beth and min in biblical Hebrew," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 310-316.
Article in Journal or Book James D. Yoder, "Semitisms in Codex Bezae," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 317-321.
Article in Journal or Book Julian Morgenstern, "David and Jonathan," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 322-325.
Article in Journal or Book David H. Freeman, "Scrolls and the New Testament," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 326-334.
Article in Journal or Book Isaiah Sonne, "Isaiah 53:10-12," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 335-342.
Article in Journal or Book William R. Lane, "A new commentary structure in 4Q Florilegium," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 343-346.
Article in Journal or Book Herbert E. Robbins, "Comments on a paper by James Albertson," Journal of Biblical Literature 78.4 (Dec. 1959): 347-350.

Volume 79 (1960)

On-line Resource Robert McQueen Grant, "Two Gnostic Gospels," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.1 (March 1960): 1-11.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book Abraham Malamat, "Hazor "the head of all those kingdoms"," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.1 (March 1960): 12-19.
Article in Journal or Book William C. Robinson, "Theological context for interpreting Luke’s travel narrative," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.1 (March 1960): 20-31.
Article in Journal or Book Jehoshua M. Grintz, "Hebrew as the spoken and written language in the last days of the Second Temple," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.1 (March 1960): 32-47.
Article in Journal or Book Sherman E. Johnson, "Preaching to the dead," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.1 (March 1960): 48-51.
Article in Journal or Book Allen Paul Wikgren, "New Armenian manuscripts of the New Testament in the Kurdian collection," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.1 (March 1960): 52-56.
Article in Journal or Book Robert T. Anderson, "Was Isaiah a scribe," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.1 (March 1960): 57-58.
Article in Journal or Book F. Charles Fensham, "Treaty between Solomon and Hiram and the Alalakh tablets," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.1 (March 1960): 59-60.
Article in Journal or Book Paul Kahle, "Greek Bible manuscripts used by Origen," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 111-118.
Article in Journal or Book Eduard Schweizer, "Son of Man," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 119-129.
Article in Journal or Book Francis Wright Beare, "'Sabbath was made for man?'" Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 130-136.
Article in Journal or Book Bo Ivar Reicke, "Official and pietistic elements of Jewish apocalypticism," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 137-150.
Article in Journal or Book David Noel Freedman, "Name of the God of Moses," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 151-156.
Article in Journal or Book E.A. Speiser, "People" and "nation" of Israel," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 157-163.
Article in Journal or Book Howard M. Teeple, "Notes on theologians’ approach to the Bible," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 164-166.
Article in Journal or Book Harold Louis Ginsberg, "Ezra 1:4," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 167-169.
Article in Journal or Book Norman Walker, "Awkward reading in the Damascus document," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 169-170.
Article in Journal or Book Jacob A. Dyer, "[Katelaben in Jn 1:5] the unappreciated light," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 170-171.
Article in Journal or Book Pierson Parker, "John and John Mark," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.2 (June 1960): 97-110.
Article in Journal or Book James Muilenburg, "Son of Man in Daniel and the Ethiopic Apocalypse of Enoch," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.3 (Sept. 1960): 197-209.
Article in Journal or Book Theodore R Rosché, "Words of Jesus and the future of the "Q" hypothesis," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.3 (Sept. 1960): 210-220.
Article in Journal or Book Jack W. Hannah, "Setting of the Ignatian long recension," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.3 (Sept. 1960): 221-238.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph B. Tyson, "Jesus and Herod Antipas," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.3 (Sept. 1960): 239-246.
Article in Journal or Book Oscar Jacob Frank Seitz, "'What do these stones mean?'" Journal of Biblical Literature 79.3 (Sept. 1960): 247-254.
Article in Journal or Book Nigel M. Watson, "Some observations on the use of DIKAIOO in the Septuagint," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.3 (Sept. 1960): 255-266.
Article in Journal or Book Paul L. Hammer, "Comparison of kleronomia in Paul and Ephesians," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.3 (Sept. 1960): 267-272.
Article in Journal or Book Moshe Greenberg, "nsh in Exodus 20:20 and the purpose of the Sinaitic theophany," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.3 (Sept. 1960): 273-276.
Article in Journal or Book Norman Walker, "Concerning Exodus 34:6," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.3 (Sept. 1960): 277.
Article in Journal or Book L. Yaure, "Elymas-Nehelamite-Pethor," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.4 (Dec. 1960): 297-314.
Article in Journal or Book C.W.F. Smith, "No time for figs," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.4 (Dec. 1960): 315-327.
Article in Journal or Book Theophile James Meek, "Translating the Hebrew Bible," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.4 (Dec. 1960): 328-335.
Article in Journal or Book Robert A. Kraft, "Barnabas’ Isaiah text and the "testimony book" hypothesis," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.4 (Dec. 1960): 336-350.
Article in Journal or Book William L. Holladay, "Prototype and copies: a new approach to the poetry-prose problem in the Book of Jeremiah," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.4 (Dec. 1960): 351-367.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Balgarnie Young Scott [1899-1987], "Postscript on the cubit," Journal of Biblical Literature 79.4 (Dec. 1960): 368.

Volume 80 (1961)

Article in Journal or Book Robert Balgarnie Young Scott [1899-1987], "Priesthood, prophecy, wisdom, and the knowledge of God," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.1 (March 1961): 1-15.
Article in Journal or Book Benjamin Mazar, "Geshur and Maacah," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.1 (March 1961): 16-28.
Article in Journal or Book John P. Brown, "Mark as witness to an edited form of Q," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.1 (March 1961): 29-44.
Article in Journal or Book Menahem Haran, "Studies in the account of the Levitical cities," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.1 (March 1961): 45-54.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Blenkinsopp, "Oracle of Judah and the messianic entry," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.1 (March 1961): 55-64.
Article in Journal or Book Julian Morgenstern, "Son of Man" of Daniel 7:13f: a new interpretation," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.1 (March 1961): 65-77.
Article in Journal or Book Samuel Sandmel, "Haggada within Scripture," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.2 (June 1961): 105-122.
Article in Journal or Book Massey Hamilton Shepherd, "Are both the Synoptics and John correct about the date of Jesus’ death," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.2 (June 1961): 123-132.
Article in Journal or Book William Andrew Irwin, "Where shall wisdom be found," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.2 (June 1961): 133-142.
Article in Journal or Book Selby Vernon McCasland, "Matthew twists the Scriptures," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.2 (June 1961): 143-148.
Article in Journal or Book Sidney Jellicoe, "St Luke and the Letter of Aristeas," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.2 (June 1961): 149-155.
Article in Journal or Book Menahem Haran, "Studies in the account of the Levitical cities," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.2 (June 1961): 156-165.
Article in Journal or Book William R. Baird, "Letters of recommendation: a study of 2 Cor 3:1-3," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.2 (June 1961): 166-172.
Article in Journal or Book William Franklin Stinespring, "Eschatology in Chronicles," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.3 (Sept. 1961): 209-219.
Article in Journal or Book Sydney Temple, "Key to the composition of the Fourth Gospel," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.3 (Sept. 1961): 220-232.
Article in Journal or Book Charles E. Carlston, "Transfiguration and resurrection," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.3 (Sept. 1961): 233-240.
Article in Journal or Book Moshe Weinfeld, "Origin of the humanism in Deuteronomy," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.3 (Sept. 1961): 241-247.
Article in Journal or Book S. MacLean Gilmour, "Christophany to more than five hundred brethren," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.3 (Sept. 1961): 248-252.
Article in Journal or Book Francis Wright Beare, "Text of 1 Peter in Papyrus 72," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.3 (Sept. 1961): 253-260.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph B. Tyson, "Blindness of the disciples in Mark," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.3 (Sept. 1961): 261-268.
Article in Journal or Book Mitchell Joseph Dahood, "Mismar "muzzle" in Job 7:12," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.3 (Sept. 1961): 270-271.
Article in Journal or Book Georg Fohrer, "Remarks on modern interpretation of the prophets," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.4 (Dec. 1961): 309-319.
Article in Journal or Book Raymond Abba, "Divine name Yahweh," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.4 (Dec. 1961): 320-328.
Article in Journal or Book Edwin D. Freed, "Entry into Jerusalem in the Gospel of John," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.4 (Dec. 1961): 329-338.
Article in Journal or Book Harold Louis Ginsberg, "Hosea’s Ephraim, more fool than knave: a new interpretation of Hosea 12:1-14," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.4 (Dec. 1961): 339-347.
Article in Journal or Book Richard T. Mead, "Healing of the paralytic--a unit," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.4 (Dec. 1961): 348-354.
Article in Journal or Book John Briggs Curtis, "'East is East'," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.4 (Dec. 1961): 355-363.
Article in Journal or Book Victor Paul Furnish, "'Fellow workers in God’s service'," Journal of Biblical Literature 80.4 (Dec. 1961): 364-370.

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