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Book Description

B.W. Newton and Dr. S.P. Tregelles. Teachers of the Faith and the Future. The Life and Works of B.W. Newton & Dr. S.P. Tregelles
Publication Year:
Phoenix Press
Biography, Textual Criticism, Eschatology, Daniel
Copyright Holder:
The Sovereign Grace Avent Testimony

Reproduced by permission

George H. Fromow, ed., B.W. Newton and Dr. S.P. Tregelles. Teachers of the Faith and the Future. The Life and Works of B.W. Newton & Dr. S.P. Tregelles

Table of Contents

  1. B. W. Newton's Call by Grace
  2. Newton's Life and Career
  3. How He Learned Prophetic Truth
  4. Testimonies to His Character and Work
  5. Samuel Prideaux Tregelles, LL.D., Life and Letters
  6. Evangelists in Welsh
  7. Tregelles Greek New Testament
  8. Christians Influenced by their Writings
  9. A Page from Church History
  10. A Statement of Doctrinal Belief
  11. Propositions for Christian Consideration
  12. Extracts from the Teachings of Tregelles
  13. Dr. Tregelles as a Hymn Writer
  14. The Eternal Sonship and the Suretyship of Christ
  15. Principles for the Reading of Scripture
  16. Matthew's Gospel is Characteristically Christian
  17. Thoughts on Romans Chapters 1 : 2 and 3
  18. The Church in the Epistle to the Ephesians
  19. Imputed Righteousness
  20. Christ, the Church and the Nations
  21. The Renewal of the Near East
  22. Newton's Forecasts Up-To-Date
  23. Revelation Chapter 13 and the Pope
  24. Some Revised Translations
  25. The Goal of Godless Governments
  26. Daniel's Visions Illustrated


  • Mr. Newton's Prayers
  • A Statement and Acknowledgment
  • A Humble Letter
  • Books
  • The Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony Manifesto
  • Indices