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The Wesley Historical SocietyThe Wesley Historical Society was founded in 1893 for the advancement of interest in the history of all branches of the Methodist Church. The Proceedings appear here by permission and unless indicated as being in the Public Domain all material is copyright the Wesley Historical Society. To receive hard copies of the more recent volumes of the Proceedings or to get details on how to join the Wesley Historical Society please e-mail the Wesley Historical Society Registrar at: [email protected]

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Vols. 1 - 5 (1897 - 1906)
Vols. 6 - 10 (1907 - 1916)
Vols. 11 - 15 (1917 - 1926)
Vols. 16 - 20 (1927 - 1936)
Vols. 21 - 25 (1937 - 1946)
Vols. 26 - 30 (1947 - 1956)
Vols. 31 - 35 (1957 - 1966)
Vols. 36 - 40 (1967 - 1976)
Vols. 41 - 45 (1977 - 1986)
Vols. 46 - 50 (1987 - 1996)
Vols. 51 - 55 (1997 - 2006)
Vols. 56 - 60 (2007 - 2016)
Vols. 61 - (2017 - )
Index Vols. 1 - 30
Index Vols. 31 - 50
Bibliography of Methodist Historical Literature, 1974-2011 View in PDF format pdf
Vol. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Volume 1 (1897/98)

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On-line Resource "Annual Meeting, 1896," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.1 (1897): 1-2.
On-line Resource George Stampe, "List of Local Histories," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.1 (1897): 3-14.
On-line Resource R. Green, "Scripture Playing Cards," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.1 (1897): 15-25.
On-line Resource Dr. Moulton, "The Wesleyan Hymnbook," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.1 (1897): 26-27.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.1 (1897): 28-31.
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On-line Resource "Annual Meeting, 1897," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.2 (1897): 33-36.
On-line Resource G.S. Rowe, "Wesley's Deed Poll," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.2 (1897): 37-38.
On-line Resource C.E. Wanbrough, "Wesley's Deed Poll," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.2 (1897): 39-41.
On-line Resource E. Blackall, "Hours of Worship," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.2 (1897): 42-44.
On-line Resource J. Broxap, "Service in Church Hours," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.2 (1897): 45-46.
On-line Resource C.D. Hardcastle, "Wesley's Translations of Hymns," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.2 (1897): 47-49.
On-line Resource R. Green, "Wesley's Translations of Hymns," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.2 (1897): 50-53.
On-line Resource M. Gallienne, "French Methodist Hymn Books," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.2 (1897): 53-54.
On-line Resource R. Butterworth, "Mrs Rich," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.2 (1897): 55-58.
On-line Resource C.A. Federer, "Wesley and the Quakers," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.2 (1897): 59-62.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.2 (1897): 63-64.
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On-line Resource "Report for 1897," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.3 (1898): 65-66.
On-line Resource T.F. Lockyer, "Wesley Genealogy,"Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.3 (1898): 67-69.
On-line Resource C.L. Lord, "Study of Passion Hymn," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.3 (1898): (1897): 70-77.
On-line Resource R. Green, "Wesley's MS. Pocket Diary," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.3 (1898): 78-82.
On-line Resource J.W. Laycock, "First Methodist Rounds," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.3 (1898): 83-84.
On-line Resource H.W. Ball, "W. Fowles, of Winterton," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.3 (1898): 85.
On-line Resource F.C. Wright, "A Convert of Wesley's," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.3 (1898): 86-87.
On-line Resource Richard Waddy Moss [1850-1935], "Literature, Anonymous, &c," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.3 (1898): 88-89.
On-line Resource E. Martin, "Sale of Wesley's Publications," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.3 (1898): 90-91.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.3 (1898): 92-96.
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On-line Resource L.H. Wellesley Wesley, "Wesley Coat of Arms," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.4 (1898): 97-100.
On-line Resource T.G. Osborn, "Two Old Letters," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.4 (1898): 101-103.
On-line Resource F.M. Parkinson, "Methodism in Liverpool," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.4 (1898): 104-108.
On-line Resource J.W. Laycock, "Waldenses and Methodists," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.4 (1898): 109-111.
On-line Resource J. Peed, "A Brief Sketch of the Rise and Progress of Wesleyan Methodism in the Brixton-Hill Circuit," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.4 (1898): 112-115.
On-line Resource J.T. Lightwood, "Wesley's Tunes," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.4 (1898): 116-117.
On-line Resource "The Wesleyan Hymn Book," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.4 (1898): 118-122.
On-line Resource C.D. Hardcastle, "Prayers for the Dead," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.4 (1898): 123-125.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.4 (1898): 126-128.
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On-line Resource F.M. Parkinson, "Class Tickets," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.5 (1898): 129-137.
On-line Resource G. Stampe, "Note on Above," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.5 (1898): 136-137.
On-line Resource H.W. Ball, "How to Write Local History," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.5 (1898): 138-139.
On-line Resource J. Redfearn, "Correspondence of T. Wride," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.5 (1898): 140-145.
On-line Resource R. Green, "Some Wesleyan Treasures," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.5 (1898): 146-147.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 1.5 (1898): 148-152.

Volume 2 (1899/1900)

2.1 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource "Report for 1898," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.1 (1899): 1-2.
On-line Resource H.J. Foster, "Some Bristol Methodist Notes," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.1 (1899): 3-8.
On-line Resource C.A. Federer, "Methodism in the Channel Islands," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.1 (1899): 9-10.
On-line Resource R. Butterworth, "The Poetry of Madame Bourignon," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.1 (1899): 11-14.
On-line Resource C.D. Hardcastle, "Hymn 143 (Wesleyan Hymn Book), and its would-be Improvers," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.1 (1899): 15-17.
On-line Resource R. Green, "Supposed Wesley Relics," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.1 (1899): 18-20.
On-line Resource Henry J. Tomlinson, "Of The 'Declaration Deed'," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.1 (1899): 21-22.
On-line Resource John Broxap, "The Ecclesiastical Buildings of Methodism," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.1 (1899): 23-25.
On-line Resource Edward Blackall, "The Early Days of the Theological Institution in Wesleyan Methodism," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.1 (1899): 26-27.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.1 (1899): 28-32.
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On-line Resource C.H. Cruickshank, "Notes on Wesley's Journal," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.2 (1899): 33-35.
On-line Resource T.G. Osborn, "The History of the Kingswood School," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.2 (1899): 36-37.
On-line Resource H.J. Foster, "Bristol, Methodist Collectanea," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.2 (1899): 38-43.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.2 (1899): 44-48.
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On-line Resource Joseph G. Wright, "Wesley Portraits," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.3 (1899): 49-51.
On-line Resource W.H. Coradine, "Dr. Annesley, Father of Susanna Wesley," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.3 (1899): 52-53.
On-line Resource Thomas Brackenbury, "Wesley' Visit to Salisbury," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.3 (1899): 54.
On-line Resource James T. Lightwood, "The Rev. Samuel Wesley, Junr.," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.3 (1899): 55-56.
On-line Resource Charles A. Federer, "Thomas Lee," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.3 (1899): 57-58.
On-line Resource J. Alfred Sharp, "Early Methodism at Gillingham ," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.3 (1899): 59-60.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.3 (1899): 61-64.
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On-line Resource Fred M. Parkinson, "Methodism in Liverpool," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.4 (1899): 65-68.
On-line Resource R. Butterworth, "John Hodges: A Member of the First Methodist Conference," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.4 (1899): 69-71.
On-line Resource James Redfearn, "Autobiography of Mr. Robert Philipson, of Wear-Dale, 1750-1828," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.4 (1899): 72-79.
On-line Resource Charles A. Federer, "Methodist Anonyma: An Attempt to Elucidate Their Authorship," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.4 (1899): 80-87.
On-line Resource Geo. Lester, "Charles Delamotte," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.4 (1899): 88-90.
On-line Resource G. Stringer Rowe, "Letter of Dr. Coke," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.4 (1899): 91-92
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.4 (1899): 93-96.
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On-line Resource "Report For 1899," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.5 (1900): 97-98.
On-line Resource H.J. Foster, "Bristol, Meth. Notes," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.5 (1900): 99-110.
On-line Resource R. Butterworth, "Wesley on Mary Queen of Scots," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.5 (1900): 111-114.
On-line Resource Charles A. Federer, "Wesley at Leeds in 1775," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.5 (1900): 115-118.
On-line Resource E. Crawshaw, "A Bust of John Wesley," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.5 (1900): 119-120.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.5 (1900): 121-128.
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On-line Resource C.H. Crookshank, "Notes on Wesley's Journal," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.6 (1900): 129-146.
On-line Resource James T. Lightwood, "The Foundery Tune-book," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.6 (1900): 147-160.
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On-line Resource Henry J. Foster, "Bristol Methodist Notes," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.7 (1900): 161-170.
On-line Resource C. Lawrence Ford, "The Wesleyan Hymn Book: On the Literary Element in Charles Wesley's Hymns, and in the Few by John Wesley," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.7 (1900): 171-176.
On-line Resource R. Green, "Extracts from Unpublished Poems by the Rev. Charles Wesley, Copied from Manuscripts Preserved by a Wesleyan Minister," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.7 (1900): 177-190.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.7 (1900): 191-192.
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On-line Resource C.D. Hardcastle, "Woodhouse Grove School," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.8 (1900): 193-195.
On-line Resource James T. Lightwood, "A Brief Comparison Between the Hymn Book of 1777 and the Present One," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.8 (1900): 196-197.
On-line Resource C.D. Hardcastle, "John Wesley and the Original Hymns in the Wesleyan Hymn Book," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.8 (1900): 198-200.
On-line Resource W.H. Coradine, "Wesley and the Colonies," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.8 (1900): 201-202.
On-line Resource H.W. Ball, "Bishop Asbury and Early Methodism in America," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.8 (1900): 203-204.
On-line Resource Henry J. Tomlinson, "Irish Methodism, 1800: Copy of a Circular Letter," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.8 (1900): 205-206.
On-line Resource R. Butterworth, "Tersteegen's 'Spiritual Flower Garden'," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.8 (1900): 207-208.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 2.8 (1900): 209-224.

Volume 3 (1901/02)

3.1 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource "Report for 1900," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.1 (1901): 1-2.
On-line Resource T.E. Brigden, "Methodism and Jacobinism," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.1 (1901): 3-9.
On-line Resource F.C. Wright, "The Name Methodist," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.1 (1901): 10-13.
On-line Resource R. Butterworth, "Dr. Middleton," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.1 (1901): 14-17.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.1 (1901): 18-24.
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On-line Resource H.J. Foster, "Bristol Notes," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.2 (1901): 25-41.
On-line Resource R. Green, "Wesley's Unpublished Journal," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.2 (1901): 42-46.
On-line Resource C.H. Crookshank, "William and Richard Morgan," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.2 (1901): 47-50.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.2 (1901): 51-56.
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On-line Resource C.D. Hardcastle, "Wesley's Psalms and Hymns," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.3 (1901): 57-63.
On-line Resource H.J. Foster, "Bristol Notes," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.3 (1901): 64-72.
On-line Resource J.C. Nattrass, "Great Yarmouth," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.3 (1901): 73-77.
On-line Resource C.A. Federer, "Wesley's Journal and Mrs Mortimer," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.3 (1901): 78-80.
On-line Resource R. Butterworth, "Wesley's Journal and Cardiff," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.3 (1901): 81-84.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.3 (1901): 85-88.
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On-line Resource R. Green, "Osmotherley," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.4 (1901): 89-95.
On-line Resource R. Green, "First Chapels in Birmingham," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.4 (1901): 96-98.
On-line Resource C.A. Federer, "Bradford Stewards' Book," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.4 (1901): 99-104.
On-line Resource C.H. Crookshank, "Notes on Journal," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.4 (1901): 105-111.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.4 (1901): 112-119.
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On-line Resource "Report for 1901," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.5 (1902): 121-122.
On-line Resource R. Green, "Wesley Bibliography," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.5 (1902): 123-130.
On-line Resource R. Butterworth, "Wesleys of Wales," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.5 (1902): 131-132.
On-line Resource

H.J. Foster, "Bedford and Devizes," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.5 (1902): 133-139.

On-line Resource C.H. Crookshank, "Notes on Journal," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.5 (1902): 140-148.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.5 (1902): 149-152.
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On-line Resource H.J. Foster, "Bristol Notes," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.6 (1902): 153-165.
On-line Resource T. MacCullagh, "First Methodist Society," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.6 (1902): 166-172.
On-line Resource J.G. Wright, "Busts of John Wesley," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.6 (1902): 173-174.
On-line Resource R. Butterworth, "Cardiff Notes," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.6 (1902): 175-177.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.6 (1902): 178-184.
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On-line Resource J.G. Wright, "Portraits of John Wesley," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.7 (1902): 185-192.
On-line Resource W.C. Sheldon, "'Mr. Riland'," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.7 (1902): 193-196.
On-line Resource R. Green, "The Foundery Lending Stock," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.7 (1902): 197-198.
On-line Resource T.E. Brigden, "Haslingden," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.7 (1902): 199-201.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.7 (1902): 202-216.
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On-line Resource R. Green, "Published Biographies of John Wesley," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.8 (1902): 217-236.
On-line Resource J.T. Lightwood, "Some Tune Books of the Eighteenth Century," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.8 (1902): 237-240.
On-line Resource R. Butterworth, "Lancelot Lee, Esq.," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.8 (1902): 241-242.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries: 205. Nancy Dawson; 206. Notes on Journal; 207. Methodist Tune Book, 1772; 208. Handel's Tunes; 209. Society in Aldersgate Street," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 3.8 (1902): 243-248.

Volume 4 (1903/04)

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On-line Resource J.G. Wright, "Portraits of John Wesley (II)," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.1 (1903): 1-5.
On-line Resource C.D. Hardcastle, "Scripture or Draw Cards," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.1 (1903): 6-8.
On-line Resource H.W. Ball & George Stamp, "Recollections," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.1 (1903): 9-11.
On-line Resource W.C. Sheldon, "Early Newspaper Notices of Methodism," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.1 (1903): 12-15.
On-line Resource "Unpublished Letters (I.) - Wesley to Miss Clarkson," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.1 (1903): 16.
On-line Resource F.M. Jackson, "Book Mentioned in Wesley's Journals," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.1 (1903): 17-19.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries: 210. Hall's Arrangement; 211. Governor of Channel Islands; 212. Superintendant and Bishop; 213. Everton Revival," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.1 (1903): 20-24.
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On-line Resource R. Green, "The Conference Seal," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.2 (1903): 25-27.
On-line Resource Charles A. Federer, "Notes Elucidatory of Wesley's Journals," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.2 (1903): 28-33.
On-line Resource G. Lester, "Hayes (Middlesex) and Rev. C. Manning," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.2 (1903): 34-35.
On-line Resource John Telford, "Gardens at Pains Hill and Stowe," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.2 (1903): 36-39.
On-line Resource H.J. Foster, "Scripture or Draw Cards," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.2 (1903): 40-43.
On-line Resource "Unpublished Letters (II) - R. Jones of Fonmon Castle, to the Commisioners of Customs," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.2 (1903): 44-46.
On-line Resource F.M. Jackson, "Books Mentioned in Wesley's Journals," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.2 (1903): 47-51.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries: 214. Preaching Licences; 215. Wesley's 3rd Letter to Walker; 216. Notes by A.G.; 217. S. Wesley's Children buried at Westminster," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.2 (1903): 52-56.
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On-line Resource T.E. Brigden, "An Unpublished Abridgement by Wesley," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.3 (1903): 57-60.
On-line Resource W.C. Sheldon, "The Birmingham Magistrate Who Suppressed the Rioters," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.3 (1903): 61-64.
On-line Resource J.A. Sharp, "An Eccentric Bedford Evangelist," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.3 (1903): 65-67.
On-line Resource John Telford, "Pit Place, Epsom," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.3 (1903): 67-69.
On-line Resource R. Butterworth, "The Father of the Poor," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.3 (1903): 70-71.
On-line Resource "Unpublished Letters (III) - J. Wesley to Miss Sarah Wesley," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.3 (1903): 72-73.
On-line Resource F.M. Jackson, "Books Mentioned in Wesley's Journals," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.3 (1903): 74-81.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries: 218. Place-names in Journals; Builders of Thornbury Chapel; Mr. K. of St. Ives; Francis Scot. 219. Gwennap Pit. 220. Note on Bibliography. 221. Conference Seal. 222. Lanell of Dublin. 223. Watts and Wesleys. 224. Benson's Wesley Family. 225. Gap in Journals. 226. Walker a 'Scot'. 227. S. Wesley's Children's Graves," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.3 (1903): 82-88.
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On-line Resource A.M. Broadley, "Where Bartholomew Wesley Rests," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.4 (1903): 89-91.
On-line Resource Henry J. Foster, "Bristol Methodist Notes," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.4 (1903): 92-98.
On-line Resource G. Stampe, "Early Unauthorised Hymn-books," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.4 (1903): 99-101.
On-line Resource C.D. Hardcastle (the Late), "Early Editions of the Wesleyan Hymn-book," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.4 (1903): 102-103.
On-line Resource "Unpublished Letters (IV) - John Nelson to Charles Wesley," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.4 (1903): 104-106.
On-line Resource F.M. Jackson, "Books Mentioned in Wesley's Journals," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.4 (1903): 107-111.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries: 228. Wyrley Birch 'a Deist'; 229. Stained glass at Tattershall; 230. Mr Felham's Mausoleum; 231. Rothbury in the forest; 232. Mr Galloway; 233. Notes to Jackson's Bibliography; 234. Factories at Epworth; 235. James Jones; 236. Houses at Wednesbury; 237. Leeds Mercury on Wesley; 238. Hymn 401; 239. Matthew Lindon; 240. Children's Sermon by Wesley; 241. Wesley crossing the sands of Furness," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.4 (1903): 112-120.
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On-line Resource R. Green, "A True Portrait of Wesley," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.5 (1904): 121-123.
On-line Resource W.C. Sheldon, "Worship, and Thanks, and Blessing: Hymn 276," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.5 (1904): 123-126.
On-line Resource [William Ripley's MSS], "On Travel with Wesley the Preacher," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.5 (1904): 127-132.
On-line Resource "Unpublished Letters (V) - John Wesley to _____?" Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.5 (1904): 133.
On-line Resource F.M. Jackson, "Books Mentioned in Wesley's Journals," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.5 (1904): 134-140.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries: 242. Fetter Lane; 243. Richard Davenport; 244. 'Bristol,' in error; 245. Wesley's Marriage Licence; 246. Wesley's Weight; 247. Raynsham School; 248. Orphan ouse Dead; 249. Dr. G----; 250. Raphael Cartoons; 251. 'Room in Exeter'; 252. Hymn 401; 253. Peard Dickinson; 254. B. Wesley; 255. John Westley; 256. Edmund Calamy; 257. Peter Whitefield; 258. 'Mr. Oyaty; 259. A Wesley Portrait; 260. Dumb Bell; 261. Descendants of John Wesley," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.5 (1904): 140-151.
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On-line Resource Samuel Lees, "Wednesbury and West Bromwich as Wesley Knew Them," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.6 (1904): 153-159.
On-line Resource "Early History of Methodism in Aberdeen," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.6 (1904): 159-162.
On-line Resource [T.F. Lockyer], "The Haddocks of Rye, Sussex," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.6 (1904): 163-165.
On-line Resource Norman Penney, "Joseph Rule, the White Quaker," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.6 (1904): 165-167.
On-line Resource [J.E. Winter], "William Kingston, of Ditcheat," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.6 (1904): 167-170.
On-line Resource "Unpublished Letters (VI) - Thomas Haney to James Oddie," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.6 (1904): 171-172.
On-line Resource F.M. Jackson, "Books Mentioned in Wesley's Journals," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.6 (1904): 173-176.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries: 262. Conference of 1748; 263. Mr. Dean's Chapel; 264. Mr. B. of Wrangle; 265. Joseph Strong, of Carlisle; 266. Wesley at Bath; 267. Richard Davenport; 268. Solomon's Ashbourn's Monument; 269. Sentimental Continental; 270. Drowned at Bruton; 271. Unpublished Letter (V)," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.6 (1904): 177-184.
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On-line Resource P. Jennings, "Cornwall in Wesley's Journal," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.7 (1904): 185-197.
On-line Resource R. Butterworth, "Wesleys of Cambridgeshire," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.7 (1904): 197-198.
On-line Resource S. Lees, "Wednesbury Methodist Traditions," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.7 (1904): 198-200.
On-line Resource J. Conder Nattrass, "Captain Fell's Raid Upon Arbroath," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.7 (1904): 200-201.
On-line Resource "Unpublished Letters (VII) - John Wesley to Lancelot Harrison," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.7 (1904): 202.
On-line Resource F.M. Jackson, "Books Mentioned in Wesley's Journals," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.7 (1904): 203-210.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries: 272. Worship and Thanks and Blessign; 273 Nightly Census; 274. Missionaries from Damascus; 275. Wesley, Letter CXXXIII; 276. The Wells; 277. T. Mertimer; 278. Town of Beggers; 279. Raynsham School; 280. Fire at Epworth; 281. Mr. Galloway; 282. Notes on Bibliography; 283. Player upon Glasses," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.7 (1904): 211-216.
4.8 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource "Mrs. Glynne and John Appleton, of Shrewsbury," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.8 (1904): 217-223.
On-line Resource "Wesley and the North Shields Chapel Case," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.8 (1904): 223-231.
On-line Resource "Bibliographical Catalogue of Books Mentioned in John Wesley's Journals (VIII)," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.8 (1904): 232-238.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries: 284-290," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 4.8 (1904): 248.

Volume 5 (1905/06)

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On-line Resource H.J. Foster, "From the Archives of Fetter Lane," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.1 (1905): 1-13.
On-line Resource [J.E. Winter], "In and Around Castle Cary," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.1 (1905): 14-18.
On-line Resource [The Late] J.B. Leslie, "Memorials of Sammy Hick in Aberford Church," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.1 (1905): 18-19.
On-line Resource [A.M. Broadley], "Deed of Settlement Executed by Bartholomew Wesley, 1659," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.1 (1905): 20-23.
On-line Resource C. Lawrence Ford, "Examination of Quotations in Wesley's Journal," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.1 (1905): 24-31.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries: 291. Early Supplement to Hymn Book; 292. Roman Villa near Pocklington; Corringendum," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.1 (1905): 31-32.
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On-line Resource J.G. Wright, "Class and Band Tickets," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.2 (1905): 33-44.
On-line Resource R. Butterworth, "Anthony Benezet," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.2 (1905): 45-46.
On-line Resource C. Lawrence Ford, "Examination of Quotations in Wesley's Journal," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.2 (1905): 47-53.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries: 293. The Kirkhams; 294. Riot at Barrowford: Grimshaw's Death; 295. Gordon's Garden; 296. R.K. Philip; 297. Irish Miscellanea; 298. Brave Methodist Preacher; 299. 'The Mitre'; 300. Elm at Easton Neston; Corrigenda, Addenda," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.2 (1905): 54-64.
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On-line Resource "Our Illustrations: (I.) Mr Edward's Chapel. Lambeth (II.) Mr Wolff's House at Balham (III.) Three Methodist Relics," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.3 (1905): 65-66.
On-line Resource "Annual Meeting of the Society," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.3 (1905): 66-67.
On-line Resource D.B. Bradshaw, "Dublin Methodist Notes," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.3 (1905): 67-80.
On-line Resource J.A. Clapperton, W. Kimber Hardy & R. Qualtough, "Wesley's Visits to the Isle of Man," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.3 (1905): 80-84.
On-line Resource H.J. Foster, "Mr Sparrow, of Wincobank," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.3 (1905): 85-86.
On-line Resource C. Lawrence Ford, "Examination of Quotations in Wesley's Journal," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.3 (1905): 87-91.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries: 301. The Windowless House at Dumfries; 302. Place Names in Journals; 303. Whitby Methodist Chapels; 304. Letter of A.L.; 305. Recognition of New Members; Corringenda," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.3 (1905): 91-96.
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On-line Resource R. Morgan, "Old Gravel Walk Chapel, Dublin," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.4 (1905): 97.
On-line Resource R.A. Taylor, "Barley Hall," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.4 (1905): 97-98.
On-line Resource R. Butterworth, "The Bowns of Llwyngwyr," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.4 (1905): 98-101.
On-line Resource J.T. Lightwood, "Tune Books of the Eighteenth Century," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.4 (1905): 101-108.
On-line Resource "An Early Methodist Eirenicon," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.4 (1905): 108-110.
On-line Resource C. Lawrence Ford, "Examination of Quotations in Wesley's Journal: (II) English Classics," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.4 (1905): 110-121.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries: 306. Factories at Epworth; Kilhams at Epworth; 307. Tiverton Notes; 308. Mr C. of Wandsworth; "William B____r" of Wandsworth; 309. Massacre at Sligo; 310. C. Wesley's Funeral Hymns; 311. Cardinmarsh; 312. Kendalshire; 313. 'Scarecrow' Preaching Houses; 314. Valerian Wesley; Corrigenda," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.4 (1905): 122-128.
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On-line Resource "Illustration: (I.) House of George Livids, Bedford," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.5 (1906): 129.
On-line Resource "Illustration: (II.) The Sinking River," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.5 (1906): 129-130.
On-line Resource T.F. Lockyer, "Christmas Hymns," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.5 (1906): 130-133.
On-line Resource Charles A. Federer, "Methodist Bibliography: (I.): Methodist Anonyma," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.5 (1906): 134-137.
On-line Resource J. Lightwood, "Methodist Bibliography: (II.): Tract by Thomas Newans," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.5 (1906): 137-139.
On-line Resource F.M. Jackson, "Methodist Bibliography: (III.): Rare Tract by Bishop Warburton," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.5 (1906): 139-141.
On-line Resource [Joseph Bickersteth Mayor [1828-1916] & F.D. Benson], "John Wesley and the Madans," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.5 (1906): 141-151.
On-line Resource H.J. Foster, "Westley Hall," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.5 (1906): 146-
On-line Resource C. Lawrence Ford, "Examination of Quotations in Wesley's Journal: (II) English Classics," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.5 (1906): 152-159.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries: 315. Quotation found; 316. William B____r, at Wandsworth," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.5 (1906): 160.
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On-line Resource R. Green, "Roubiliac's Bust of Wesley," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.6 (1906): 161-162.
On-line Resource [George Lester, The Late G.H. Harwood, and Others], "Nottingham Methodist Notes - (I.) Nottingham General Hospital; (II.) Early Preaching Places; (III.) Letter written at Nottingham," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.6 (1906): 163-170.
On-line Resource [J. Norton Dickons, and Others], "Bradford Methodist Topography," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.6 (1906): 171-174.
On-line Resource C. Lawrence Ford, "Examination of Quotations in Wesley's Journal: (III) Devotional Verse," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.6 (1906): 174-184.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries: 317. Michael Fenwick in Old Age; 318. Last of the Keelmen; 319. Parson Slater, of Shottle; 320. Methodism in 18th Century Literature; 321. Turvin Coiners; 322. The Living Wesley; 323. John Tregortha; 324. J.W. Letter to T. Mason," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.6 (1906): 185-192.
5.7 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Thos. S. Brigden, "David Jeffries of Cambridge and Blewbury," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.7 (1906): 193-196.
On-line Resource H.J. Foster, "In the Isle of Axholme," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.7 (1906): 196-205.
On-line Resource R. Green, "Hymns of Friendship (Including two unpublished hymns by Charles Wesley," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.7 (1906): 205-213.
On-line Resource "Our Illustrations," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.6 (1906): 213.
On-line Resource C. Lawrence Ford, "An Examination of the Fragments of Devotional Verse Quoted in the Journal of John Wesley," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.6 (1906): 214-222.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries: 325. Samuel Wesley's Epigram on the Niggard Host; 326. Mrs. Wright, The Modeller in Wax-work; 327. Joshua Strangman; 328. C. Wesley Amending John Wesley's Hymns," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.6 (1906): 323-324.
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On-line Resource R. Butterworth, "Rev. H. Piers of Bexley," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.8 (1906): 225-227.
On-line Resource G. Stringer Rowe, "Wesley Documents at Headingley College," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.8 (1906): 228-229.
On-line Resource H.J. Foster, "New Bounds and the I'Anson Family," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.8 (1906): 230-237.
On-line Resource E. Cranshaw, "Was Charles Wesley Ever Curate of Islington?" Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.8 (1906): 238-239.
On-line Resource Charles A. Federer, "Parkgate, Near Guiseley," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.8 (1906): 240-244.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries: 329. Mourning Rings; 320. Note to Bibliography; 331. The Society in Aldersgate Street; 332. Ford's Quotations; 333. The 'Little Town' visited by Wesley; 334. Bromwich Heath; 335. Sale of Romney's Portrait of Wesley; 336. Mrs. Wathen of Thrupp; 337. 'Brother Cowper' in a Madhouse; 338. Vital Spark; 339. Dutch Quaker from Ireland; 340. Notes on 'Wesley's Visits to the Isle of Man," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 5.8 (1906): 245-256.

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